2022-07-01 17:03:37 254KB 代码
vb程序设计实例 2009-5-22 15:37 提问者:淘淘的某在 " 悬赏分:20 " 浏览次数:1688次 编写程序,设银行定期存款的年利率为:1年期2.25%,2年期2.43%,3年期为2.70%,5年 期为2.88%(不记复利)。今有X元,5年以后使用,共有如下6中存法: 存一次5年期; 存一次3年期,一次2年期; 存一次3年期,两次1年期; 存两次2年期,一次1年期; 存一次2年期,三次1年期; 存五次1年期. 分别计算各种存法5年后到期的本息合计,如图所示 2009-5-22 17:06 最佳答案 Private Sub Form_Activate() '1年期2.25%,2年期2.43%,3年期为2.70%,5年期为2.88%(不记复利)。今有X元,5年 以后使用,共有如下6中存法: Const x1 As Double = 0.0225, x2 As Double = 0.0243, x3 As Double = 0.027, x5 As Double = 0.0288 Dim x As Double x = Val(InputBox("")) Print " 存一次
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2022-06-15 16:09:13 47.97MB 单片机C语言
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时间函数举例程序分析 2.程序源代码: #include "stdio.h" #include "time.h" void main() { time_t lt; /*define a longint time varible*/ lt=time(NULL);/*system time and date*/ printf(ctime(<)); /*english format output*/ printf(asctime(localtime(<)));/*tranfer to tm*/ printf(asctime(gmtime(<))); /*tranfer to Greenwich time*/ } 【程序92】 题目:时间函数举例2 1.程序分析: 2.程序源代码: /*calculate time*/ #include "time.h" #include "stdio.h" main() { time_t start,end; int i; start=time(NULL); for(i=0;i<3000;i++) { printf("\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\n"); } end=time(NULL); printf("\1: The different is %6.3f\n",difftime(end,start)); } 【程序93】 题目:时间函数举例3 1.程序分析: 2.程序源代码: /*calculate time*/ #include "time.h" #include "stdio.h" main() { clock_t start,end; int i; double var; start=clock(); for(i=0;i<10000;i++) { printf("\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\n"); } end=clock(); printf("\1: The different is %6.3f\n",(double)(end-start)); } 【程序94】 题目:时间函数举例4,一个猜数游戏,判断一个人反应快慢。(版主初学时编的) 1.程序分析: 2.程序源代码: #include "time.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "stdio.h" main() { char c; clock_t start,end; time_t a,b; double var; int i,guess; srand(time(NULL)); printf("do you want to play it.('y' or 'n') \n"); loop: while((c=getchar())=='y') { i=rand()%100; printf("\nplease input number you guess:\n"); start=clock(); a=time(NULL); scanf("%d",&guess); while(guess!=i) { if(guess>i) { printf("please input a little smaller.\n"); scanf("%d",&guess); } else { printf("please input a little bigger.\n"); scanf("%d",&guess); } } end=clock(); b=time(NULL); printf("\1: It took you %6.3f seconds\n",var=(double)(end-start)/18.2); printf("\1: it took you %6.3f seconds\n\n",difftime(b,a)); if(var<15) printf("\1\1 You are very clever! \1\1\n\n"); else if(var<25) printf("\1\1 you are normal! \1\1\n\n"); else printf("\1\1 you are stupid! \1\1\n\n"); printf("\1\1 Congradulations \1\1\n\n"); printf("The number you guess is %d",i); } printf("\ndo you want to try it again?(\"yy\".or.\"n\")\n"); if((c=getch())=='y') goto loop; } 【程序95】 题目:家庭财务管理小程序 1.程序分析: 2.程序源代码: /*money management system*/ #include "stdio.h" #include "dos.h" main() { FILE *fp; struct date d; float sum,chm=0.0; int len,i,j=0; int c; char ch[4]="",ch1[16]="",chtime[12]="",chshop[16],chmoney[8]; pp: clrscr(); sum=0.0; gotoxy(1,1);printf("|----------------------------------------------------|"); gotoxy(1,2);printf("| money management system(C1.0) 2000.03 |"); gotoxy(1,3);printf("|----------------------------------------------------|"); gotoxy(1,4);printf("| -- money records -- | -- today cost list -- |"); gotoxy(1,5);printf("| ------------------------ |-----------------------------|"); gotoxy(1,6);printf("| date: -------------- | |"); gotoxy(1,7);printf("| | | | |"); gotoxy(1,8);printf("| -------------- | |"); gotoxy(1,9);printf("| thgs: ------------------ | |"); gotoxy(1,10);printf("| | | | |"); gotoxy(1,11);printf("| ------------------ | |"); gotoxy(1,12);printf("| cost: ---------- | |"); gotoxy(1,13);printf("| | | | |"); gotoxy(1,14);printf("| ---------- | |"); gotoxy(1,15);printf("| | |"); gotoxy(1,16);printf("| | |"); gotoxy(1,17);printf("| | |"); gotoxy(1,18);printf("| | |"); gotoxy(1,19);printf("| | |"); gotoxy(1,20);printf("| | |"); gotoxy(1,21);printf("| | |"); gotoxy(1,22);printf("| | |"); gotoxy(1,23);printf("|--------------------------------------------------|"); i=0; getdate(&d); sprintf(chtime,"%4d.%02d.%02d",d.da_year,d.da_mon,d.da_day); for(;;) { gotoxy(3,24);printf(" Tab __browse cost list Esc __quit"); gotoxy(13,10);printf(" "); gotoxy(13,13);printf(" "); gotoxy(13,7);printf("%s",chtime); j=18; ch[0 ]=getch(); if(ch[0]==27) break; strcpy (chshop,""); strcpy(chmoney,""); if(ch[0]==9) { mm:i=0; fp=fopen("home.dat","r+"); gotoxy(3,24);printf(" "); gotoxy(6,4);printf(" list records "); gotoxy(1,5);printf("|-------------------------------------|"); gotoxy(41,4);printf(" "); gotoxy(41,5);printf(" |"); while(fscanf(fp,"%10s%14s%f\n",chtime,chshop,&chm)!=EOF) { if(i==36) { getch(); i=0; } if ((i%36)<17) { gotoxy(4,6+i); printf(" "); gotoxy(4,6+i); } else if((i%36)>16) { gotoxy(41,4+i-17); printf(" "); gotoxy(42,4+i-17); } i++; sum=sum+chm; printf("%10s %-14s %6.1f\n",chtime,chshop,chm);} gotoxy(1,23);printf("|----------------------------------------------|"); gotoxy(1,24);printf("| |"); gotoxy(1,25);printf("|----------------------------------------------|"); gotoxy(10,24);printf("total is %8.1f$",sum); fclose(fp); gotoxy(49,24);printf("press any key to.....");getch();goto pp; } else { while(ch[0]!='\r') { if(j<10) { strncat(chtime,ch,1); j++; } if(ch[0]==8) { len=strlen(chtime)-1; if(j>15) { len=len+1; j=11; } strcpy(ch1,""); j=j-2; strncat(ch1,chtime,len); strcpy(chtime,""); strncat(chtime,ch1,len-1); gotoxy(13,7);printf(" "); } gotoxy(13,7);printf("%s",chtime);ch[0]=getch(); if(ch[0]==9) goto mm; if(ch[0]==27) exit(1); } gotoxy(3,24);printf(" "); gotoxy(13,10); j=0; ch[0]=getch(); while(ch[0]!='\r') { if (j<14) { strncat(chshop,ch,1); j++; } if(ch[0]==8) { len=strlen(chshop)-1; strcpy(ch1,""); j=j-2; strncat(ch1,chshop,len); strcpy(chshop,""); strncat(chshop,ch1,len-1); gotoxy(13,10);printf(" "); } gotoxy(13,10);printf("%s",chshop);ch[0]=getch();} gotoxy(13,13); j=0; ch[0]=getch(); while(ch[0]!='\r') { if (j<6) { strncat(chmoney,ch,1); j++; } if(ch[0]==8) { len=strlen(chmoney)-1; strcpy(ch1,""); j=j-2; strncat(ch1,chmoney,len); strcpy(chmoney,""); strncat(chmoney,ch1,len-1); gotoxy(13,13);printf(" "); } gotoxy(13,13);printf("%s",chmoney);ch[0]=getch(); } if((strlen(chshop)==0)||(strlen(chmoney)==0)) continue; if((fp=fopen("home.dat","a+"))!=NULL); fprintf(fp,"%10s%14s%6s",chtime,chshop,chmoney); fputc('\n',fp); fclose(fp); i++; gotoxy(41,5+i); printf("%10s %-14s %-6s",chtime,chshop,chmoney); } } } 【程序96】 题目:计算字符串中子串出现的次数 1.程序分析: 2.程序源代码: #include "string.h" #include "stdio.h" main() { char str1[20],str2[20],*p1,*p2; int sum=0; printf("please input two strings\n"); scanf("%s%s",str1,str2); p1=str1;p2=str2; while(*p1!='\0') { if(*p1==*p2) { while(*p1==*p2&&*p2!='\0') { p1++; p2++; } } else p1++ ; if(*p2=='\0') sum++; p2=str2; } printf("%d",sum); getch(); } 【程序97】 题目:从键盘输入一些字符,逐个把它们送到磁盘上去,直到输入一个#为止。 1.程序分析: 2.程序源代码: #include "stdio.h" main() { FILE *fp; char ch,filename[10]; scanf("%s",filename); if((fp=fopen(filename,"w"))==NULL) { printf("cannot open file\n"); exit(0); } ch=getchar(); ch=getchar(); while(ch!='#') { fputc(ch,fp);putchar(ch); ch=getchar(); } fclose(fp); } 【程序98】 题目:从键盘输入一个字符串,将小写字母全部转换成大写字母,然后输出到一个磁盘文件"test"中保存。输入的字符串以!结束。 1.程序分析: 2.程序源代码: #include "stdio.h" main() { FILE *fp; char str[100],filename[10]; int i=0; if((fp=fopen("test","w"))==NULL) { printf("cannot open the file\n"); exit(0); } printf("please input a string:\n"); gets(str); while(str[i]!='!') { if(str[i]>='a'&&str[i]<='z') str[i]=str[i]-32; fputc(str[i],fp); i++; } fclose(fp); fp=fopen("test","r"); fgets(str,strlen(str)+1,fp); printf("%s\n",str); fclose(fp); } 【程序99】 题目:有两个磁盘文件A和B,各存放一行字母,要求把这两个文件中的信息合并(按字母顺序排列), 输出到一个新文件C中。 1.程序分析: 2.程序源代码: #include "stdio.h" main() { FILE *fp; int i,j,n,ni; char c[160],t,ch; if((fp=fopen("A","r"))==NULL) { printf("file A cannot be opened\n"); exit(0); } printf("\n A contents are :\n"); for(i=0;(ch=fgetc(fp))!=EOF;i++) { c[i]=ch; putchar(c[i]); } fclose(fp); ni=i; if((fp=fopen("B","r"))==NULL) { printf("file B cannot be opened\n"); exit(0); } printf("\n B contents are :\n"); for(i=0;(ch=fgetc(fp))!=EOF;i++) { c[i]=ch; putchar(c[i]); } fclose(fp); n=i; for(i=0;ic[j]) { t=c[i];c[i]=c[j];c[j]=t; } printf("\n C file is:\n"); fp=fopen("C","w"); for(i=0;i
2022-06-11 16:20:47 10KB C语言程序设计实例(200行)
2022-05-31 22:04:33 1.25MB 文档资料