获取wifi连接信息,IP,MAC地址,设置wifi 为静态IP,子网掩码,mac地址等设置,https://blog.csdn.net/qq_35345103/article/details/84449897
2023-01-05 12:32:49 5KB wifi
2022-12-30 17:29:05 5KB 相机标定
The Python code and supporting material, including example data files, are available as a single ZIP compressed archive. This must be uncompressed before use and will extract into a folder (directory) called "PythonForBiology", inside which the Python files, ending in ".py", and various sub-folders can be found. This arrangement of files and folders will allow the Python code to run directly from inside the uncompressed "PythonForBiology", i.e. the locations of any modules or data files mentioned in the code (and book) are specified relative to this location. The "examples" sub-folder contains all of the data files that are used as examples to support the Python code described in the book. The "databases" sub-folder relates to Chapter 20 and contains SQL and Python files sub-divided into sections to support both SQLite and MySQL database implementations. The "speedy" folder relates to Chapter 27 and contains code relevant to the binding of fast functions written in the C or Cython languages, including any files required for compilation. Many of the book chapters have a corresponding Python file containing the completed scripts and programs for that chapter. These files may be run directly as Python to test the code they contain. Note that several of these files will not work isolation, given that they import functionality from the others, which are assumed to be in the same folder. Chapters 1-4 and 10 do not have a corresponding Python file given that they only discuss the code in terms of short or incomplete fragments.
2022-12-11 21:14:25 7.85MB Python biology 生物信息学
2022-11-23 09:24:30 10KB 机器学习
python机器学习逻辑回归算法 相关代码
2022-11-11 13:31:46 289KB 机器学习
python机器学习KNN算法 相关代码
2022-11-11 12:30:20 14KB python
2022-11-03 21:16:26 142KB MSP430f5529
2022-10-20 19:02:12 4.49MB MTCNN
https://blog.csdn.net/tujidi1csd/article/details/127408058 中所有图片的源文件。 使用draw.io画的。
2022-10-19 21:04:04 25KB AudioFlinger AudioTrack