2021-12-09 16:31:27 349KB 源代码详解 C++语言 课程作业 国科大
2021-12-04 12:54:05 27KB 串口通信
自然语言处理学习笔记 机器学习及深度学习原理和示例,基于Tensorflow和PyTorch框架,Transformer,BERT,ALBERT等最新预训练模型以及源代码详解,以及基于预训练模型进行各种自然语言处理任务。以及模型部署 两种传统的模型: 基于规则或模板生成对话系统 基于概率的语言模型利用语料数据,实现了简略的2-gram模型,并利用该模型判断句子的合理性 根据中国城市的位置信息,实现简单的路径规划系统 根据武汉地铁的各站点的位置信息,实现简单的路径规划系统 图的广度优先搜索及深度优先搜索 搜索问题的抽象模式 旅行推销员问题 启发式 A *搜索 动态规划 机器学习算法,及其应用 python实现基本的神经网络:激活函数,损失函数,前向传播,反向传播 python实现各种梯度下降算法,初始化,批量归一化,正则化 python实施CNN : Tensor Flow基本概念,张量,
2021-11-07 10:00:21 25.6MB 系统开源
2021-07-12 11:46:41 2.61MB RGB888 nv21
2021-05-15 22:58:05 465KB 源码
数字图像处理与机器视觉++Visual+C++与Matlab实现,是代码,不是书籍 该书对于初学数字图像处理、机器视觉的朋友,帮助颇大,原书的代码很难找,对应代码,注重实践!加油!
2021-03-24 21:17:01 23.29MB 数字图像处理 代码
2021-02-26 15:38:30 755KB uyvy nv21
In this manual are descriptions for copyrighted products which are not explicitly indicated as such. The absence of the trademark ® and copyright © symbols does not infer that a product is not protected. Additionally, registered patents and trademarks are similarly not expressly indicated in this manual The information in this document has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, SYS TEC electronic GmbH assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies. SYS TEC electronic GmbH neither gives any guarantee nor accepts any liability whatsoever for consequential damages resulting from the use of this manual or its associated product. SYS TEC electronic GmbH reserves the right to alter the information contained herein without prior notification and accepts no responsibility for any damages which might result. Additionally, SYS TEC electronic GmbH offers no guarantee nor accepts any liability for damages arising from the improper usage or improper installation of the hardware or software. SYS TEC electronic GmbH further reserves the right to alter the layout and/or design of the hardware without prior notification and accepts no liability for doing so.  Copyright 2006 SYS TEC electronic GmbH, D-07973 Greiz/Thueringen. Rights - including those of translation, reprint, broadcast, photomechanical or similar reproduction and storage or processing in computer systems, in whole or in part - are reserved. No reproduction may occur without the express written consent from SYS TEC electronic GmbH.
2020-02-01 03:03:21 1.72MB CANopen
VxWorks 完整源代码及源代码详解,帮助了解VxWorks源码。
2020-01-10 03:01:25 9.09MB VxWork源码 注释
1、本文主要是针对opencv中实现的霍夫梯度法原理和实现代码进行了讲解,包含一篇课程设计论文。 2、对opencv的icvHoughCirclesGradient()霍夫梯度法实现函数代码进行了详细的理解 3、文件夹“用点Hough变换实现圆检测的方法(基于opencv的代码)”是在本站中下载的,基于opencv实现的霍夫圆的检测方法,代码可以运行,能看到检测效果图。 4、文件中有个houghCircle.cpp,里面也有关于霍夫梯度法实现代码的注释。 5、理解可以参考learning opencv 关于霍夫梯度法实现步骤的详解。
2019-12-21 22:06:25 7.59MB 霍夫梯度法 圆检测 opencv