1、超清晰,不是模糊和普通清晰的版本; 2、带书签目录,多级目录,方便阅读的笔记;
2021-12-12 14:28:30 46.73MB 虚拟机 实现 设计
经典著作,不用多介绍了。 Most tasks require a person or an automated system to reason--to reach conclusions based on available information. The framework of probabilistic graphical models, presented in this book, provides a general approach for this task. The approach is model-based, allowing interpretable models to be constructed and then manipulated by reasoning algorithms. These models can also be learned automatically from data, allowing the approach to be used in cases where manually constructing a model is difficult or even impossible. Because uncertainty is an inescapable aspect of most real-world applications, the book focuses on probabilistic models, which make the uncertainty explicit and provide models that are more faithful to reality. Probabilistic Graphical Models discusses a variety of models, spanning Bayesian networks, undirected Markov networks, discrete and continuous models, and extensions to deal with dynamical systems and relational data. For each class of models, the text describes the three fundamental cornerstones: representation, inference, and learning, presenting both basic concepts and advanced techniques. Finally, the book considers the use of the proposed framework for causal reasoning and decision making under uncertainty. The main text in each chapter provides the detailed technical development of the key ideas. Most chapters also include boxes with additional material: skill boxes, which describe techniques; case study boxes, which discuss empirical cases related to the approach described in the text, including applications in computer vision, robotics, natural language understanding, and computational biology; and concept boxes, which present significant concepts drawn from the material in the chapter. Instructors (and readers) can group chapters in various combinations, from core topics to more technically advanced material, to suit their particular needs.
2021-12-04 01:39:17 7.45MB Graphica Models
2021-11-23 16:10:32 11.74MB Windows
2021-11-15 20:50:57 17.37MB 泛型编程 STL 中文版 超清晰版本
之前找了很久才找到了,传上来更大家共享下,希望对大家有帮助,欢迎下载或者永久保存。 MISRA C_2012 Guidelines for the use of the C language in critical systems
2021-09-17 09:03:21 1.34MB MISRA C_2012 Gui
effecitve STL.pdf 带书签 清晰
2021-09-01 10:58:13 11.74MB effecitve STL.pdf 带书签 清晰
Python高性能编程 超清晰版本 有完整目录 对提高python能力绝对有帮助
2021-08-30 14:21:18 17.14MB Python 高性能编程 最清晰版本
找了很久才找到了,传上来更大家共享下,希望对大家有帮助,欢迎下载或者永久保存。 微信小程序蓝牙模块Demo,支持特征值写入和特征值监听 !
2021-08-18 19:06:04 7KB 微信小程序 Demo
c traps and pitfalls pdf 英文 清晰版!CSDN独家清晰版本
2021-07-27 23:53:39 5.44MB C traps and pitfalls
2021-07-26 23:36:35 99.14MB caffe