基于DNN深度学习网络的OFDM信号检测算法的仿真,matlab2021a测试运行。 包含训练数据,DNN训练,误码率测试。
2022-04-19 12:05:45 19.49MB 网络 深度学习 dnn 算法
包含fcn8s-heavy-pascal.caffemodel、fcn8s-heavy-pascal.prototxt、pascal-classes.txt文件 和FCN模型实现图像分割源码、配套图片素材 具体实现效果见CSDN博客“DNN系列5_FCN模型实现图像分割”查看效果
2021-06-17 17:29:16 334B opencv C++ FCN模型 深度学习DNN
包含deploy.prototxt、labelmap_det.txt、VGG_ILSVRC2016_SSD_300x300_iter_440000.caffemodel文件 和SSD模型实现对象检测源码、图片素材 具体实现效果见CSDN博客“DNN系列3_SSD模型实现对象检测”
2021-05-23 19:38:53 332B opencv C++ SSD模型 深度学习DNN
包含bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel、bvlc_googlenet.prototxt、synset_words.txt文件 和GoogleNet-Caffe模型实现图像分类源码、图片素材。 具体实现效果见CSDN博客“DNN系列2_GoogleNet-Caffe模型实现图像分类”
2021-05-03 21:11:52 340B 深度学习DNN GoogleNet Caffe opencv
包含age_net.caffemodel、deploy_age.prototxt、deploy_gender.prototxt、gender_net.caffemodel、haarcascade_frontalface_alt_tree.xml文件和CNN模型预测性别与年龄源码、配套图片素材 具体实现效果见CSDN博客“DNN系列6_CNN模型预测性别与年龄”查看效果
2021-04-27 15:12:46 380B opencv C++ CNN模型 深度学习DNN
本资源包含OpenCV3.3深度神经网络DNN模块应用全套视频、课程配套PPT的PDF版本和全套配套源码,希望对大家有所帮助! 同时也欢迎大家访问CSDN博客“贾志刚OpenCV3.3深度神经网络DNN模块应用学习笔记”,对本视频教程的全部内容进行了详细整理和实现!!!)
2021-04-16 16:49:38 364B 深度学习 DNN模块 opencv3.3 C++
很有用的噪声库,可进行语音信号处理的离线仿真测试等 File: Matlab or WAV formats (compressed) sampling rate: 19.98 KHz A/D: 16 bit pre-filter: anti-aliasing filter pre-emphasis: none filter: none duration: 235 sec length (uncompressed): approx 9 Mb (uncompressed) 白噪声:White noise White Noise acquired by sampling high-quality analog noise generator (Wandel & Goltermann). Exhibits equal energy per Hz. bandwidth. 车内噪声:volvo Volvo 340 noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). This recording was made at 120 km/h, in 4th gear, on an asphalt road, in rainy conditions. 军用车辆噪音:Military vehicle noise Leopard 2 noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). The Leopard 1 vehicle was moving at a speed of 70 km/h. The sound level during the recording process was 114 dBA. 坦克内部噪声:Tank noise M109 noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). The M109 tank was moving at a speed of 30 km/h. The sound level during the recording process was 100 dBA. 餐厅内嘈杂噪声:speech babble Voice Babble acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). The source of this babble is 100 people speaking in a canteen. The room radius is over two meters; therefore, individual voices are slightly audible. The sound level during the recording process was 88 dBA. 高频信道噪声:HF channel noise Recording of noise in an HF radio channel after demodulation 粉红噪声:pink noise Pink Noise acquired by sampling high-quality analog noise generator (Wandel & Goltermann). Exhibits equal energy per 1/3 octave. 机枪噪声:Machine gun noise Machine Gun noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). The weapon used was a .50 calibre gun fired repeatedly. 工厂车间噪音1:Factory floor noise 1 Factory noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor
2021-03-19 21:31:07 98.39MB Noise 噪声库 深度学习 DNN