ModelTest-NG是用于为DNA和蛋白质比对选择最合适的进化模型的工具。 ModelTest-NG通过图形和命令控制台界面在一个工具中替代了jModelTest和ProtTest。 文献资料 如果您想阅读有关使用ModelTest-NG的信息,则每个随附PDF手册。 您也可以浏览以获取在线文档,并可以浏览以查找常见错误。 引文 如果您使用ModelTest-NG,请引用以下内容: 达里巴(Darriba),波萨达(Posada),科兹洛夫(Kozlov),上午,斯塔玛塔基斯(Stamatakis),莫雷尔(M.),弗洛里(T.Flouri)(2020)。 ModelTest-NG:一种新的可扩展的工具,用于选择DNA和蛋白质进化模型。 分子生物学与进化,37(1),291-294。 Flouri T.,Izquierdo
2021-09-14 09:56:01 1.36MB C++
VB-GMM 高斯混合模型的变分贝叶斯模型选择
2021-08-29 14:39:50 12KB C
This book is designed as an introduction to the modeling of infectious diseases. We start with the simplest of mathematical models and show how the inclusion of appropriate elements of biological complexity leads to improved understanding of disease dynamics and control. Throughout, our emphasis is on the development of models, and their use either as predictive tools or as a means of understanding fundamental epidemiological processes. Although many theoretical results can be proved analytically for very simple models, we have generally focused on results obtained by computer simulation, providing analytical results only where they lead to a more generic interpretation of model behavior. Where practical, we have illustrated the general modeling principles with applied examples from the recent literature. We hope this book motivates readers to develop their own models for diseases of interest, expanding on the model frameworks given here.
2021-07-05 14:10:07 23.9MB 模型选择
2021-06-08 07:56:49 637KB 首发论文
Adaboost算法的设计思想。从机器学习的角度简述模型选择的基本原则。丑小鸭定理;Occam剃刀原理;最小描述长度定理。简述分类器集成的基本方法。推导Hard-Margin SVM的优化目标。解释Hinge Loss在SVM中的意义。编程:从MNIST数据集中选择两类,对其进行SVM分类,可调用现有的SVM工具利用sklearn库进行svm训练MNIST数据集,准确率可以达到90%以上。
2021-05-16 16:27:23 96KB 国科大模式识别 代码 证明及解析
2021-04-29 01:46:02 50KB 算法导论