最优控制的matlab代码实现
SIST-Manual
生活
/
Life
合理分配学习与休息时间,量力而行。
保证充足的睡眠时间,以及尽可能地不要过晚入睡。
注意用眼时长,由于信息学院学生会时常接触电脑屏幕,故须适当放松。
注意饮食,不要经常食用方便食品(比如泡面)。
预先准备
/
Preparation
English
Prepare
for
speaking
and
listening
so
that
you
can
talk
fluently
with
peers.
You
also
need
some
reading
skills
so
that
you
can
read
Wikipedia,
which
is
not
blocked
if
you
read
English.
There
are
many
links
to
Wikipedia
in
this
manual,
try
understand
them
first
:).
One
trivia
about
Wikipedia:
whenever
you
run
into
some
alien
language,
w