2022-03-16 23:30:28 351KB waymo 无人车 自动驾驶 安全报告
常规网上的联合仿真教程仅仅使用prescan自带的demo,但是这样无法使读者完全学会联合仿真,因此作者本人手动建立了一个carsim,prescan,simulink 联合仿真的列子,并总结了联合仿真过程中出现的问题,以及解决办法
2022-03-14 17:01:16 7.19MB 无人车 联合仿真 ADAS
主要是无人驾驶车的毕业设计, 使用与了解无人驾驶的基础
2022-03-13 13:32:42 324KB 无人驾驶
无人车综述:Abstract— We survey research on self-driving cars published in the literature focusing on autonomous cars developed since the DARPA challenges, which are equipped with an autonomy system that can be categorized as SAE level 3 or higher. The architecture of the autonomy system of self-driving cars is typically organized into the perception system and the decision-making system. The perception system is generally divided into many subsystems responsible for tasks such as self-driving-car localization, static obstacles mapping, moving obstacles detection and tracking, road mapping, traffic signalization detection and recognition, among others. The decision- making system is commonly partitioned as well into many subsystems responsible for tasks such as route planning, path planning, behavior selection, motion planning, and control. In this survey, we present the typical architecture of the autonomy system of self-driving cars. We also review research on relevant methods for perception and decision making. Furthermore, we present a detailed description of the architecture of the autonomy system of the UFES’s car, IARA. Finally, we list prominent autonomous research cars developed by technology companies and reported in the media
2022-02-27 23:15:11 1.24MB 综述 无人车 自动驾驶
地面站为mp修改而成,支持apm2.8 包含快速入门,使用手册,编译说明,原理图等
2022-01-20 09:04:06 206.3MB 自动驾驶 APM 无人车
Optimal trajectories for time-critical street scenarios using discretized terminal manifolds 无人车规划经典论文
2021-12-25 19:51:05 3.75MB 无人车规划
Upenn的F1tenth赛车建造手册。1. Building the Car 2. System Configuration 3. Installing Firmware. 4. Driving the Car - Start here if you have everything
2021-12-03 14:27:52 90.08MB 机器人 无人车 ROS F1tenth
2021-12-03 14:15:26 255.16MB 无人车 ROS F1tenth Racecar
百度apollo定位技术详解,另外还包含了自动驾驶学习资料 涵盖感知,规划和控制,ADAS,传感器; 1. apollo 相关的技术教程和文档; 2. adas(高级辅助驾驶)算法设计(例如 AEB,ACC,LKA 等) 3. 自动驾驶鼻祖 mobileye 的论文和专利介绍 4. 自动驾驶专项课程(可能是目前最好的自动教师教程),是 coursera 上多伦多大学发布的自动驾驶专项课程,应该是目前为 止非常火非常好的教程了,包含视频,ppt,论文以及代码 5. 国家权威机构发布的 adas 标准,这是 adas 相关算法系统的标 准,也是开发手册。 6. 规划控制相关的算法论文介绍 7. 等
2021-12-03 08:58:29 3.58MB 百度 apollo 定位 location
2021-11-17 12:02:19 1.47MB 算法 遗传算法 数据结构 参考文献