(2)合并链表 ANSWER Reversing a linked list. Already done. What do you mean by merge? Are the original lists sorted and need to be kept sorted? If not, are there any special requirements? I will only do the sorted merging. Node * merge(Node * h1, Node * h2) { if (h1 == NULL) return h2; if (h2 == NULL) return h1; Node * head; if (h1->data>h2->data) { head = h2; h2=h2->next; } else { head = h1; h1=h1->next; } Node * current = head; while (h1 != NULL && h2 != NULL) { if (h1 == NULL || (h2!=NULL && h1->data>h2->data)) { current->next = h2; h2=h2->next; current = current->next; } else { current->next = h1; h1=h1->next; current = current->next; } } current->next = NULL; return head;
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