2021-12-09 22:11:16 1.11MB Hyper Bootstrap4
绿色环境保护网站官方模板,全套模板,DIV CSS布局,包含about.html,blog.html,contact.html,gallery.html,index.html等网站模板页面。
2021-11-18 14:53:27 2.31MB 网站模板-企业模板
一个功能齐全的仪表板和管理模板,带有精心设计的UI元素、组件、小部件和页面。超级干净和灵活的布局将使您可以轻松地构建Web应用程序。它可用于创建基于SaaS的界面、自定义管理面板、仪表板、CRM、CMS、电子商务面板等。 Hyper is a fully featured dashboard and admin template comes with tones of well designed UI elements, components, widgets and pages. The super clean and flexible layout would enable you to easily build web applications. It can be used to create a saas based interface, custom admin panels, dashboard, CRM, CMS, e-commerce panel, etc. Features: Built on latest bootstrap (v4.3.1) Easy customizations with extensive use of SCSS variables Fully responsive and works across all modern/supported browsers, devices Documentation on all available components, widgets, etc Easy development and tooling with Gulp workflow Components: All of Bootstrap components Icons Multiple widgets Toast Notifications Chartjs Charts Brite Charts Apex Charts Select2, Date Range Picker, Input Mask included Bootstrap form wizard Timepickers Spinner Max Length Validator Advanced Datatables Dragula – Simple Drag and Drop Multiple File Uploads WYSIWYG Editors (Summernote and SimpleMDE) Google and Vector Maps Layouts: Vertical Horizontal Detached Sidenav Light Sidenav Collapsed Sidenav Boxed (Fixed width) – Vertical and Horizontal Apps: Calendar Projects (List page, Detail Page) Tasks (List Page, Detail Modal, Add Task Modal) Ecommerce (Product listing, product detail, order listing, order detail, shopping cart, checkout, seller listing, etc) Pages: Sample Dashboard Profile Invoice FAQ Pricing Maintenance Login (Two variations) Register (Two variations) Logout (Two variations) Recover Password (Two variations) Lock Screen (Two variations) Confirm Mail (Two variations) Error 404 Error 500
2021-08-05 17:00:04 1.69MB 后台响应模板 Hyper Bootst
Bootstrap4的默认粉色主题模板,解压后可直接当做静态页面使用,与官方内容基本完全一致。 使用ie或其他浏览器在查看时如果没有效果,可能是浏览器阻止了网页上的部分内容,请允许它们并重新查看页面。
2021-04-01 19:50:20 1.9MB Bootstrap4 Hyper
Bootstrap4官方模板Hyper - Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard v1.5.0
2021-04-01 19:40:08 1.7MB Bootstrap Hyper
2021-03-31 13:52:56 725KB Springer 斯普林格
Bootstrap 4 官方的管理后台模板源文件。 想要的功能和UI控件基本都有,设计简洁大方,又不失美观。 本模板非开源产品,仅供个人学习观摩用,禁止用于任何商业和盈利场景。 如需购买正版授权
2021-01-28 03:29:37 1.7MB Hyper bootstrap admin