2021-08-11 14:11:58 1.13MB 文档
2021-07-02 22:02:43 513KB Java 开发技术 论文期刊 专业指导
Pellet is an OWL 2 reasoner. Pellet provides standard and cutting-edge reasoning services for OWL ontologies. For applications that need to represent and reason about information using OWL, Pellet is the leading choice for systems where sound-and-complete OWL DL reasoning is essential. Pellet includes support for OWL 2 profiles including OWL 2 EL. It incorporates optimizations for nominals, conjunctive query answering, and incremental reasoning. There’s more detailed information about the architecture of the system and its features in Pellet Help. An OWL DL reasoner like Pellet is a core component of ontology-based data management applications; if you need expertise in the use of Pellet for advanced integration or analysis applications, Clark & Parsia LLC can help in a variety of roles: consulting, application development, and OEM licensing.
2021-06-16 15:48:22 24.26MB 基于java平台 推理引擎 本体
java平台 广东省高校杯作品 移动开发 java me java ee 内附源码和运行说明
2021-04-23 14:37:04 637KB java平台 学生移动应用系统
使用Jsp+Bean+Servlet架构,设计一个简单的学生成绩管理系统。数据包含学生基本信息、课程信息。能实现学生信息和课程信息的查询、插入、修改和删除。 开发工具:jdk+tomcat+MySql 有完整的代码和设计报告
2019-12-21 21:07:44 1.71MB java 成绩管理系统
2019-12-21 19:27:04 649KB Java swing+mysql