一般在导出Excel中,在创建工作表sheet后,初始化的sheet中row都是一行一行的,每个单元格都是最小单位,所以问题1什么时候将单元格合并? 方案:先将数据组装成json格式方便插入Excel时进行遍历,接着以巡检项为每个row,都需重复插入巡检组和设备,在最后将巡检组、设备的单元格进行合并。 问题2图片如何正确的插入? 方案:使用POI在Excel中插入多张图片,由于平台中只保存图片的url地址,所以首先需要获取图片数据,然后转换为二进制,最后将图片插入
2022-01-11 13:39:36 640KB Excel
莱兹 已更新项目配置 在线预览 存在缺陷-由于本人是职业生涯,前端水平有限,故存在一些错误的短期内部无法修复 word粘贴的图片只能获取本机的临时路径,并且无法判别是否是图片,无法以文件形式上传后台,故后续不继续考虑和实现word图片粘贴问题,参照ueditor后发现也没有实现该功能,替换过滤了标签多余样式 修改字体/字体大小会清除补充文本开头格式,短期内可能无法修复 插入视频默认以div包装,前后插入一个 来实现替换居中和删除操作。 关于getRangeAt(0)报错,由于我个人使用时无论是弹窗还是直接使用或在form表单中均替换现,请遇到该问题的人附上详细错误和调用环境,操作过程等可能导致该问题或有助于解决该问题的信息 取消重做些简单的实现,无法满足正常需求,不推荐使用,后续优化概率减少,除非我找到能很好解决这个问题的方法 虽然对移动端做了适当调整,但是使用体验不咋的,已经放
2021-12-14 10:17:26 847KB 系统开源
2021-11-16 10:38:56 37KB java2Word 插入图片 插入文字
此程序主要展示了如何把图片插入事先设定好的书签位置之中。 下载之后可以直接运行。
2021-11-10 10:36:41 173KB DocX Word 书签
2021-10-11 06:33:32 6KB 工具 edjpgcom
本文实例为大家分享了python图片插入文字的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下 问题 如何在图片中插入大量文字并且自动换行 效果 原始图 效果图 注明 若需要写入中文请使用中文字体 实现方式 from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont class ImgText: font = ImageFont.truetype(micross.ttf, 24) def __init__(self, text): # 预设宽度 可以修改成你需要的图片宽度 self.width = 100 # 文本 self.te
2021-08-23 15:51:32 43KB line python python实例
edjpgcom is a free Windows application that allows you to change (or add) a JPEG commment in a JPEG file. That's all it does. All other fields in a JFIF or Exif file are left untouched. It even keeps the filesystem timestamp! It's based on the rdjpgcom and wrjpgcom utilities from the Independent JPEG Group's 6b distribution. (Heck, it's essentially these two programs combined with a basic dialog control.) Installation: ------------- Copy the executable egjpgcom.exe someplace convenient. It's completely self contained and uses no registry entries. Usage: ------ edjpgcom "filename.jpg" The quotes around the filename are *required* (Don't ask.) A dialog will popup. The text area will contain any existing comment text. You can cut and paste using the usual Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, Ctrl-X. If you press OK, this text will be added to your file and a backup file will be created with the same name as your file but with a ".bak" added. If you don't want this backup file, check the 'Delete Backup?' checkbox. Of course pressing Cancel will exit without doing anything. If you want to delete a comment, just delete all the comment text. Edjpgcom will then delete the comment section. Now I don't really expect this program to be used from the command line. Instead, I assume that you will add it to either the external programs list of another editing/managment program OR add it to the context menu for JPEG files in windows. NOTE: Changing file associations akin to editing your registry. Be careful and be sure you know how to undo anything you might have done. For example, in Windows 98: * open Windows Explorer * View -> Folder Options * select the "File Types" tab * Find and select the JPG file type(s) NOTE: Sometimes you may not be able to find the JPG File types If this happens see below. * press the "Edit" button * press the "New" button * for the "Action:" enter Comment * for the "Application used..." enter "c:\full\path\to\edjpgcom.exe" "%1" where the quotes are im
2021-07-03 13:38:32 22KB edjpgcom 图片插入一句话木马
2021-06-25 19:05:16 6KB edjpgcom