最新龙书,含各章节目录,学习D3D12神器 LICENSE DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY AND LIMITED WARRANTY By purchasing or using this book (the "Work), you agree that this license grants permission to use the contents contained herein, but does not give you the right of ownership to any of the textual content in the book or ownership to any of the information or products contained in it. This license does not permit uploading of the Work onto the Internet or on a network (of any kind) without the written consent of the Publisher. Duplication or dissemination of any text, code, simulations, images, etc. contained herein is limited to and subject to licensing terms for the respective products, and permission must be obtained from the publisher or the owner of the content. etc. in order to reproduce or network any portion of the textual material (in any media) that is contained in the work MERCURY LEARNING AND INFORMATION(“ MLP or“ the publisher”) and anyone involved in the creation, writing, or production of the companion disc, accompanying algorithms, code, or computer programs("the software ) and any accompanying Web site or software of the Work, cannot and do not warrant the performance or results that might be obtained by using the contents of the Work. The author, developers, and the Publisher have used their best efforts to insure the accuracy and functionality of the textual material and/or programs contained in this package; we, however, make no warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the performance of these contents or programs. The Work is sold"as is without warranty (except for defective materials used in manufacturing the book or due to faulty workmanship) The author, developers, and the publisher of any accompanying content, and anyone involved in the composition, production, and manufacturing of this work will not be liable for damages of any kind arising out of the use of (or the inability to use) the algorithms
2021-08-10 17:39:49 24.91MB D3DC++图形引擎DX1
2021-07-02 14:15:34 4.39MB 图形引擎
适用于PSPSDK编码人员,用户和开发人员的高级3D图形引擎。 它提供了一种轻松的方式来创建3D网格,例如加载3D模型,照明,纹理,cel着色,物理引擎,2D精灵和文本字体等等。 (AMGLib),但在重新编译和修复其错误时,确实发生了语法变化。 该语言已更改为C ++,以提供更好的兼容性和性能。 你在等什么? 立即下载AMGLib! 它是开源的!!
2021-05-28 14:03:16 7.34MB 开源软件
1、基于WebGL编程的三维场景 2、实现功能: 视角切换:相机控件 OrbitControls,对场景进行缩放、旋转操作 纹理贴图:给场景内的物体、人物贴上纹理,呈现立体感 Group 组件:使用 Group 组装 BayMax ,实现整体运动 键盘事件: addEventListener 监听键盘按键 Enter 键:控制大门开关 UP、DOWN 键:BayMax 绕 Z 轴平移 LEFT、RIGHT 键:BayMax 绕 X 轴平移 鼠标事件 视角切换: 按住鼠标左键,拖动场景旋转,实现观察视角切换 鼠标中键滚轮,对场景进行缩放操作 画面右方面板 控制足球 自动旋转,停止旋转 控制 BayMax 移动 3、项目使用文档:https://gitee.com/LL_Leung/Baymax-PenaltyKick
2021-03-11 09:08:25 7.46MB OpenGL WebGL Three.js 图形引擎
1、基于OpenGL编程,框架为WinGUI 2、开发环境: System: Win10 IDE: Code::Blocks 17.12 Compiler: MinGW Frame: WinGUI 3、实现功能 键盘操作:旋转、平移 鼠标操作:鼠标左键、鼠标中键 菜单操作:主菜单、右键弹出式菜单、功能操作 按钮操作:控制足球平移操作、控制物体旋转、平移操作 光照材质:针对 Baymax 纹理映射:针对球体 gluSphere 贴图 4、运行效果及项目使用文档详见:https://gitee.com/LL_Leung/BaymaxFootballGame
2021-03-10 22:05:17 570KB OpenGL WinGUI MinGW 图形引擎
Morpheus图形引擎 Morpheus是在低级图形API之上构建的实时图形引擎。 Morpheus带有一个基于物理的渲染器,该渲染器具有基于球谐函数的辐照度。 Morpheus目前正在开发中,主要目的是作为一个教育爱好项目。 该引擎的是用OpenGL编写的,但是我已经迁移到DiligentEngine,因为我在OpenGL中遇到了许多限制,而Vulkan对于我来说太冗长了。 DiligentEngine是Direct3D12 / 11,Vulkan,Metal和OpenGL之上的薄薄抽象层,我非常喜欢使用它,并将其推荐给其他感兴趣的人。 特征 我的图形引擎中的所有内容目前仍在开发中。 但是,引擎中当前有许多功能: 基于物理的正向渲染器(请参见DefaultRenderer类):渲染器基础的阴影模型基于。 为了有效地表示辐照度场,我通过的技术计算并变换了球谐系数 线程池/任务计划程
2021-02-28 10:05:02 193.56MB C++
油漆现在 PaintsNow是一个轻量级脚本驱动的图形应用程序平台。 作者:PaintDream( ) 第三方库:OpenGL&GLFW&glm&glew&freetype&lua 5.4&lzma&lame&OpenAL&freeimage&teal&libevent&sqlite3&libnoise&JsonCPP&Intel(R)快速纹理压缩工具&RenderDoc&Optick 在Debian / Ubuntu上快速安装依赖项+构建要点: sudo apt-get install libglew-dev libfreetype6-dev libfreeimage-dev libevent-dev g ++ git cmake libglfw3-dev libopenal-dev libmp3lame-dev 支持的编译器:gcc&clang&vc6&vc12 + 目标
2021-02-27 20:04:45 4.82MB C