这是我辛苦找来的,资源找的不容易!希望对以后你们在学习的时候有帮助!大家没事的时候多看看书,对你们有帮助的- -
2023-03-31 12:28:17 16.08MB 编程 ,习题,实验
This book is an introduction to computer graphics with an emphasis on applica- tions programming. The first edition, which was published in 1997, was somewhat revolutionary in using OpenGL and a top-down approach. Over the succeeding 16 years and 6 editions, this approach has been adopted by most introductory classes in computer graphics and by virtually all the competing textbooks. The sixth edition reflected the recent major changes in graphics software due to major changes in graphics hardware. In particular, the sixth edition was fully shaderbased, enabling readers to create applications that could fully exploit the capabilities of modern GPUs. We noted that these changes are also part of OpenGL ES 2.0, which is being used to develop applications for embedded systems and handheld devices, such as cell phones and tablets, and of WebGL, its JavaScript implementation. At the time, we did not anticipate the extraordinary interest in WebGL that began as soon as web browsers became available that support WebGL through HTML5. As we continued to write our books, teach our SIGGRAPH courses, and pursue other graphics-related activities, we became aware of the growing excitement about WebGL. WebGL applications were running everywhere, including on some of the latest smart phones, and even though WebGL lacks some of the advanced features of the latest versions of OpenGL, the ability to integrate it with HTML5 opened up a wealth of new application areas. As an added benefit, we found it much better suited than desktop OpenGL for teaching computer graphics. Consequently, we decided to do a seventh edition that uses WebGL exclusively. We believe that this edition is every bit as revolutionary as any of the previous editions.
2023-03-22 07:00:51 10.57MB WebGL
2023-02-28 00:08:15 753KB 课后答案 图形学 webgl 中文版
vim-垂直移动 向 vim 添加垂直移动动作。 这些将光标“向上”或“向下”移动尽可能多的行而不改变光标列。 通过这些动作 - 光标始终保持在同一列! 这些在视觉块模式下特别有用。 这些动作有点难以口头解释,因此请务必查看下面的动画示例。 议案 [v - 向上移动尽可能多的行而不改变光标列 ]v - “向下”移动尽可能多的行。 也不会改变光标列 例子 问题场景:使用vanilla vim(未安装vim-vertical-move)选择具有垂直移动的文本块。 请注意在使用原始段落运动时光标列位置如何丢失} 。 使用 vim-vertical-move 的解决方案:按]v光标“向下”移动尽可能多的行,而不改变光标列。 安装 病原git clone git://github.com/bruno-/vim-vertical-move.git ~/.vim/bundle/vim-verti
2022-12-16 10:37:58 257KB Vimscript
2022-12-07 20:39:43 8KB 自顶向下 LL(1) 编译原理
2022-11-24 14:28:28 11.69MB 三维 数字化 产品设计 ProE
2022-11-22 18:18:26 58.94MB 计算机网络 自顶向下方法
《交互式计算机图形学:基于OpenGL的自顶向下方法(第5版)(英文版)》覆盖了计算机图形学基础课程中的所有主题,包括光与材质的相互作用、明暗绘制、建模、曲线和曲面、反走样、光栅化、纹理映射和图像合成等内容。 在广泛结合OpenGL并注重图形应用编程的基础上,《交互式计算机图形学:基于OpenGL的自顶向下方法(第5版)(英文版)》向读者介绍了计算机图形学的核心概念。书中代码采用C和C++语言,并使用了自顶向下和面向编程的方法,使读者能够迅速地创建自己的三维图形。在结构安排上,《交互式计算机图形学:基于OpenGL的自顶向下方法(第5版)(英文版)》在读者学会了编写交互式图形程序之后再介绍底层的算法,如线段的绘制以及多边形填充等算法。
2022-11-17 14:57:41 63.7MB 计算机图形学
2022-11-07 21:27:34 2.28MB
2022-11-03 17:09:40 1.99MB 自顶向下