钟表助教拥有丰富的图形界面显示,可以帮助孩子快速学习认识时钟。 为帮助儿童认识钟表精心编制的工具软件,经过测试能快速教会孩子认识指针式钟表,通过由浅入深的难度选择练习、小考,能从入门到精通,而且还有难度更高的测试。界面色调为贴心保护视力的色彩,随意拨钟功能三针联动,令认识钟表变得生动有趣。还有计时、倒计时等功能,平时做事、教学都很实用。
2021-08-21 13:58:35 10.35MB 钟表 教学
The Sleeping Teaching Assistant A university computer science department has a teaching assistant (TA) who helps undergraduate students with their programming assignments during regular office hours. The TA’s office is rather small and has room for only one desk with a chair and computer. There are three chairs in the hallway outside the office where students can sit and wait if the TA is currently helping another student. When there are no students who need help during office hours, the TA sits at the desk and takes a nap. If a student arrives during office hours and finds the TA sleeping, the student must awaken the TA to ask for help. If a student arrives and finds the TA currently helping another student, the student sits on one of the chairs in the hallway and waits. If no chairs are available, the student will come back at a later time.
bioinf_2020 教学大纲: 由于时间限制,我们忽略了这些参数:
2021-03-29 18:12:34 2.2MB Shell
2021-03-19 15:15:45 30.62MB leetcode
助教 提供了两个板条箱以帮助更好地使用protobuf: prost-serde:帮助您使用prost和protobuf文件生成与Serde兼容的代码。 更多。 prost-helper:促进prost的宏和函数。 更多。 在货运项目中使用prost-helper 首先,将prost-serde和prost-serde prost-helper到您的Cargo.toml : [dependencies] prost-helper = "0.1" [build-dependencies] prost-serde = "0.1" 然后将复制到您的项目并对其进行自定义。 在查看更多信息。 然后可以在build.rs中添加它: fn main () { let json = include_str! ( "path/to/your/build_config.json" );
2021-02-22 18:06:45 15KB Rust
FMI-DSA:一些示例由我(Ivan Filipov)作为索菲亚大学数学与信息科学学院的助教提供(Ivan Filipov)2016-2019
2021-02-02 16:37:46 446KB algorithm data-structures fmi dsa