分布式估计算法举例(高斯分布) 利用分布估计算法解决下面方程的最大值: 采用高斯分布在每一次计算后重新建立概率模型。 初始种群大小设置为6,在算法的第一步,使用随机的方法在[-2,2]之间取6个数。 具体步骤如下:
2021-12-21 15:15:19 2.52MB 分布估计算法
2021-11-29 12:04:29 189KB 分布估计算法 MIMIC
将Copula 理论引入分布估计算法的研究中, 并在估计概率模型时分两个步骤进行: 1) 估计各变量的边缘分 布函数; 2) 构造经验Copula 函数或正态Copula 函数. 根据Copula 函数和各边缘分布进行采样, 在简化估计模型运算 复杂度的同时, 充分反映了变量之间的关系. 仿真实验验证了该算法的可行性和有效性..
分布式估计算法举例 重复以上步骤 从示例中可以看出,所谓的分布估计算法就是一个不断地更新概率模型,使概率模型越来越能反映优秀个体的分布的过程。
2021-11-05 20:29:55 2.52MB 分布估计算法
借鉴K-S检验的思想,应用到copula分布估计算法边缘分布函数的选取中。在估计概率模型阶段,根据实际样本点来建立模型确定所服从的边缘分布函数,其中采用多种不同的分布函数(柯西分布、t分布和正态分布等)作为候选的边缘分布函数。在参数估计阶段,采用PMLE估计copula函数参数的方式进行仿真实验。根据所服从的不同的边缘分布分别进行采样,从而增加种群多样性,改善基于 copula分布估计算法的执行效率。
2021-10-05 16:53:40 368KB 自然科学 论文
2021-05-26 16:55:37 2.52MB 分布估计算法
2021-05-09 08:43:58 856KB 分布估计算法 PBIL
课程作业,分布估计算法。 需要的话敬请下载。。。。。。
2021-05-06 06:08:25 2.91MB C++ EDA 分布估计算法
Mateda2.0一个非常好用的分布估计算法matlab工具箱,For a preliminary explanation of Mateda2.0 see the file Mateda2.0-UserGuide.pdf in this directory. General documentation about the programs is available in the /doc directory or from: http://www.sc.ehu.es/ccwbayes/members/rsantana/software/matlab/MATEDA.html MATEDA-2.0 employs the Matlab Bayes Net (BNT) toolbox (Murphy:2001) and the BNT structure learning package (Leray_and_Francois:2004). These programs, which are freely available from the authors website (they can be respectively downloaded from http://people.cs.ubc.ca/~murphyk/Software/BNT/bnt.html and http://banquiseasi.insa-rouen.fr/projects/bnt-slp/), should be installed previously to the MATEDA-2.0 installation. Some of the MATEDA-2.0 routines also employs the MATLAB statistical toolbox and the affinity propagation clustering algorithm (Frey_and_Dueck:2007) (the Matlab implementation of affinity propagation is available from http://www.psi.toronto.edu/affinitypropagation/). After installing the BNT and BNT structure learning tools: 1) Set the path to the current BNT structure learning tool directory. This is done by modifying file add_SLP.m. 2) Unpack the file IntEDA.zip and copy the files to a directory named MATEDA. 3) Edit file InitEnvironment.m updating the paths path_MATEDA, path_FullBNT and path_BNT_SLP. 4) Set the current Matlab directory to the MATEDA directory. 5) Execute program InitEnvironments.m. Several warnings but no error should appear. The folder ScriptsMateda contains several examples of EDAs implementations. The file Mateda2.0-UserGuide.pdf contains a detailed explanation of how to use the programs. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Last version 2/04/2009. Roberto Santana (roberto.santana@ehu.es)
2019-12-21 21:20:37 956KB 分布估计算 matlab工具箱