malloc/free: in use at exit 内存在退出前没有被释放
Invalid write of size 非法写内存:一般为数组越界
Invalid read of size 非法读内存:一般为数组越界
definitely lost/possibly lost/still reachable in loss record 内存未释放
Invalid free() / delete / delete[] 同一指针被多次释放
Source and destination overlap 内存重叠(一般是使strncpy,memcpy引起)
Syscall param contains uninitialised byte 调用系统函数时传入了未初始化的变量
Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value 条件判断时使用了未初始化的变量
Access not within mapped region/Stack overflow 栈溢出
Mismatched free() / delete / delete [] new--delete malloc--free搭配错误