用实时光线追踪探索您的最复杂的3D场景。 使用 Chaos Vantage,再也无需等待。只需要拖动完整的 VRay 场景到 Vantage 便可开始浏览。还可以与 3ds MaxSketchUp 和 Rhino 实时链接,作为视口使用。无需配置。直接拖动 VRay 场景到 Chaos Vantage 即可开始浏览。不同于以往的实时渲染解决方案,无需几何体优化,展 UV,或灯光烘培。 大场景!Chaos Vantage 可以承载巨大的场景,成百上千万个多边形。这是最快的让您实时看到复杂 VRay 场景的方式。浏览方便。轻松浏览您的场景。类似于三维建模软件的控制模式,或像玩游戏一样。自动碰撞检测,让您可以走上楼梯或避免穿墙。100% 光线追踪质量。完全实时光线追踪的渲染,Chaos Vantage 使用基于物理的摄影机,灯光,材质和全局照明得到最逼真的结果。快速简单制作动画非常适合预渲染,您可以直接在 Chaos Vantage 创建编辑和渲染动画。使用动画编辑器轻松制作摄影机动画,转场,调整序列顺序。Live link.获取场景的实时光线追。
2022-07-21 09:00:59 294.18MB 光线追踪预览软件
For those that do not know me: My name is Jacco Bikker, also known as 'Phantom'. I work as '3D tech guy' at Overloaded, a company that develops and distributes games for mobile phones. I specialize at 3D Symbian games, which require highly optimized fixed-point, non-HW-accelerated 3D engines, crammed into 250Kb installers. So basically I'm having fun. As software rendering used to be my spare time activity, I was looking for something else. I tried some AI, which was great fun, and recently I dove into a huge pile of research papers on raytracing and related topics; such as global illumination, image based lighting, photon maps and so on. One document especially grabbed my attention. It's titled: "State-of-the-Art in Interactive Ray Tracing", and was written by Wald & Slusallek. I highly recommend this paper. Basically, it summarizes recent efforts to improve the speed of raytracing, and adds a couple of tricks too. But it starts with a list of benefits of raytracing over rasterization-based algorithms. And one of those benefits is that when you go to extremes, raytracing is actually faster than rasterizing. And they prove it: Imagine a huge scene, consisting of, say, 50 million triangles. Toss it at a recent GeForce with enough memory to store all those triangles, and write down the frame rate. It will be in the vicinity of 2-5. If it isn't, double the triangle count. Now, raytrace the same scene. These guys report 8 frames per second on a dual PIII/800. Make that a quad PIII/800 and the speed doubles. Raytracing scales linearly with processing power, but only logarithmically with scene complexity. Now that I got your attention, I would like to move on to the intended contents of this crash course in raytracing.
2022-06-27 15:58:00 12.2MB 光线追踪 raytracing
opengl光线追踪算法实现原理与源代码演示 希望对大家有帮助
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简单的光线追踪器 Rust 中的简单光线追踪项目,用于学习 Rust 并探索光线追踪的算法和数学。
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用于从具有指定折射率的传播区域中的固定点发射一束光线的函数。 提供了带有示例的文档以说明无线电束在地球大气中的传播和传播。
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Monte Carlo 技术是一种对光子在系统中的传播进行建模的统计方法。 随机数、累积分布函数 (CDF) 和概率密度函数 (PDFS) 用于从函数或光谱(例如太阳 AM 1.5)中进行采样。 通过这种方式,随机数决定了光子的命运,并且可以避免复杂的辐射传递方程。 记录每个表面发射的光子数量,这样就可以估计 LSC 的光学效率。
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2022-04-06 16:06:35 283KB 3d渲染 光线追踪
obj2voxel obj2voxel是用于Wavefront OBJ文件的命令行体素器。 它使用加载OBJ文件,并使用编写体素模型。 安装 下载可执行文件。 有适用于Windows和Linux的预编译二进制文件。 或者,如果要从源代码构建,请按照以下步骤操作(在Linux上): mkdir build cd build cmake .. make # optionally with -j option for multithreaded compile 安装后,可执行文件将位于您的build目录中。 用法 # Usage ./obj2voxel input_file output_file -r # ... # Example ./obj2voxel in.obj out.qef -t textu
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如何将代码从并行C ++光线跟踪代码转换为CUDA,然后通过英特尔:registered:DPC ++转换为SYCL 2020
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图 9.6 使用光线追踪器 图 9.7 是产生出来的图片,其中 res 参数为 10。
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