Easy Decal provides you with an easy-to-use workflow for putting decals on all types of surfaces in your game world. Enrich your virtual world with details and lift your game environment to the next level. Easy Decal not only supports diffuse textures and normal maps, but all kinds of shaders and materials. You can stick decals even to massively bumpy surfaces with ease - the dynamic geometry generator automatically adjusts all the necessary parameters (UVs, tangents, normals, etc.) in the bl ink of an eye. By using one tool, your decals will fit everywhere. Key Features Works with all Unity Versions Full editor integration Custom materials and shaders Contains ready-to-use prefabs 80+ different decals included 3D Projection (translation, rotation, scale) Dynamic geometry Texture Atlas Editor Decal Animation Edge Bleeding Mesh Decals
2021-09-29 15:29:31 170.19MB Unity 贴花
Js图片裁切框专用插件,可任意拖动和改变大小 Js图片裁切框专用插件,可任意拖动和改变大小
2021-09-20 15:42:58 202KB js
需要Unity 5.6.0或更高版本。 MeshBrush是一个Unity编辑器扩展,允许你在你的GameObject的表面上绘制网格物体。 通过将预制网格直接绘制到GameObjects上,快速细化并增强场景的整体外观。 您可以定义多个网格来绘制,如何随机缩放,旋转或偏移它们,并最终在生成时相加地改变其大小,而不需要实际修改任何原始的预制件。
2021-09-15 13:31:38 7.68MB 刷模型
[插件资源] Dialogue System for Unity 1.7.2 - 创建对话系统的专用插件
2021-07-16 09:32:38 42.18MB 创建对话 系统 专用插件
Advanced Foliage Shader 4.01 - 强化植物Shader的专用插件;Advanced Foliage Shader 4.01 - 强化植物Shader的专用插件
2021-07-12 14:16:27 59.67MB 植物Shader
This extension requires one license per seat Requires Unity 4.6.0 or higher. Behavior trees are used by AAA studios to create a lifelike AI. With Behavior Designer, you can bring the power of behaviour trees to Unity! Behavior Designer is a behaviour tree implementation designed for everyone - programmers, artists, designers. Behavior Designer offers an intuitive visual editor with a powerful API allowing you to easily create new tasks. It also includes hundreds of tasks, PlayMaker integration, and extensive third party integration making it possible to create complex AIs without having to write a single line of code! Behavior Designer was designed from the ground up to be as efficient as possible with zero allocations after initialization. As a result, it runs great on all platforms including mobile. Behavior Designer is dedicated to behavior trees, which means that each update will be a better behavior tree implementation. Features: - An intuitive visual editor - A powerful API - Visual runtime debugger - Variables to communicate between tasks - Conditional Aborts - Built in event system - Unity 5 multiplayer support - Use existing code with reflection tasks - Hundreds of tasks - Evaluate tasks using Utility Theory - Realtime error detection - Binary or JSON serialization - Data-oriented design - Zero runtime allocations after startup - Object drawers (property drawers) - Includes runtime source code - Extensive documentation and videos - Sample projects available online - And more Addon Packs: - Formations Pack - Movement Pack - Tactical Pack Complete Projects: - Deathmatch AI Kit Third Party Integrations: - 2D Toolkit - A* Pathfinding Project (Movement Pack) - Adventure Creator - Anti-Cheat Toolkit - Apex Path (Movement Pack) - Blox - Camera Path Animator - Chronos - Cinema Director - Control Freak - Core GameKit - Curvy - Dialogue System - DOTween - Final IK - Glow Effect - ICode - Inventory Pro - LeanTween - Love/Hate - Master Audio - NGUI - Particl
2021-06-23 23:20:07 196B unity Behavior Designer
计算方法考试专用插件(For FX-9860GII) 程序简介 嗯……就是个原理上十分简单但是实现起来十分蛋疼的小程序,运行在CASIO计算器上,用来简化计算方法考试时候的复杂计算过程,可以输入题目数据后直接输出过程和答案, 当然也可以把公式直接打出来,比如不好记的那些差分格式、迭代格式之类,只不过要多写一些输出语句而已; 现在仅仅实现了Jacobi和Gauss_Seidel迭代、高斯消元以及LU分解,剩下的其他类型题目留待以后慢慢写; 欢迎大家试用,虽然写这个东西其实只是我想表达对今年考试题目略蛋疼的一点鄙视而已——妈蛋那个LU分解让我按了半天计算器!!! 使用方法 这个程序属于Add-in插件,安装方法官方有提供,详见。 当然,首先你得有CASIO的计算器,型号是FX-9860GII,可以在找到。 如果你像我等屌丝一样买不起的话,猛戳或者可以下载SDK和模拟器先试用一下(第二个链接是卡
2021-06-23 12:04:45 158KB C++
Beautify是一款全屏图像处理效果插件,能够改进图像质量,制造出各种惊人的生动场景。 包括: 提高视觉特征、恢复或加强图像细节、创造清晰图像。 根据需要改善像素颜色而无需使图像过饱和。 清除由抗锯齿特效后遗作用导致的额外污迹。 降低或彻底清除带状干扰 改进感知纹理质量
2021-03-17 20:11:08 8.1MB unity
WRP FBX Exporter 1.01 - Unity导出FBX模型的专用插件
2020-04-10 16:55:33 15.87MB Unity导出 FBX模型 专用插件
$Curvy 2.1.1 各种曲面 拉线专用插件,官网商店50$,,,,
2020-02-05 03:09:55 69.39MB unity