AN_BLE-16042500-E1_Development Guide for BLE Mesh Lighting APP with Security
2021-08-12 16:21:38 1.72MB TLSR8266
本资源包括完整的mesh 协议及其BQB认证所需要的完整资料如Mesh_V1.0.pdf ,Mesh_Model_Specification v1.0.pdf ,Mesh Device Properties v1.0.pdf 以及 Mesh PTS 认证相关 MESH.TS. ,MMDL.TS. , MESH.ICS.,MMDL.ICS. ,MESH.IXIT.1.0.1.xlsx ,2019-1 各资源使用请查阅相关博客。
2021-08-12 14:14:50 31.72MB MESH PTS BQB TCRL
在无线Mesh网络中,采用网状Mesh拓扑结构,也可以说是一种多点到多点的网络拓扑结构。在这种Mesh网络结构中,各网络节点通过相邻的其它网络节点以无线多跳方式相连。目前,普遍认为无线Mesh网络包含两类网络节点:Mesh路由器和Mesh客户端。Mesh路由器除了具有传统的无线路由器的网关/ 中继功能外,还支持Mesh网络互联的路由功能。Mesh路由器通常具有多个无线接口,这些无线接口可以基于相同的无线接入技术构建,也可以基于不同的无线接入技术。与传统的无线路由器相比,无线Mesh路由器可以通过无线多跳通信。
2021-08-10 14:35:07 1.35MB 网络
MESH原理介绍,无线网状网(WiFi Mesh),是一种基于WiFi技术而发展出来的一种新型的无线城域网解决方案,其具有自组网,自修复,自平衡,自动扩展等特点。
2021-08-10 09:32:29 2.26MB mesh wlan
2021-08-08 17:04:13 569KB 行业分类-作业装置-一种mesh
2021-08-06 09:02:20 5.7MB service mesh
2021-08-04 14:03:52 1KB unity 网格 mesh 保存
做贴花的 unity UVPaint (skinned mesh Decal System) 1.84e Requires Unity 4.6.6 or higher. Runtime Texturing! UVPaint creates decals and immediately bakes them in needed ShaderProperty texture on 3D ob jects. It allows you to draw a variety of accessories and details into the 3D model at runtime without losing performance and video memory. Very easy and intuitive code. Features: Does not require Unity PRO! (Unity 5) Supports Android and IOS; Does not create additional meshes; More Options; Works with custom Shader; Decals support any alpha channels; Unlimited decals on every skinned mesh; The possibility for creating a wide range of necessary decals; Only bake texture based on unwraped UV (you can create tattoo, details, blood splatter, etc.); You can draw back to the original texture using the Eraser. With UVPaint you can easily give freedom to your imagination!
2021-08-03 18:05:49 83.97MB Unity 贴花 Decal
KubeOpenAPI - JSON 模式 这是一个非常基本的基于节点的 CLI,用于将 OpenAPI 模式转换为 JSON 模式草案 4 Usage: openapi-jsonschema [options] Options: -t, --type [type] set type of input, can be either yaml or json (default: "yaml") -l, --location location of the schema -f, --filter [query] give a query if a OpenAPISchema is nested --kubernetes enable kubernetes specific filter