2021-08-27 14:36:27 64B Linux操作系统
S7A 7.5 最新版本,支持最新的操作系统!
2021-08-26 16:08:05 6.62MB ifix 西门子 S7A
This is a shared library for Android, iOS, OSX, Windows, Linux and webGL to decompress 7z (7zip) files and to compress/decompress zip/gzip (.zip/.gz), LZ4 (.lz4), brotli (.br), fastLZ files and buffers. ZIP plugin: iOS/tvOS compilation may require to add the -lz linking flag at Build Settings-> Linking- > Other Linker flags on xcode. webGL for flz,lzma & lz4 supports buffers compression/decompression only. Brotli supports buffer decompression. webGL for zip supports all functions except those that require file system operations. 7ZIP section: The library serves the scope to have fast decompression of 7z files and compress/decompress lzma files and buffers. - The library does 7z decompression and not 7z compression. Compression of lzma alone files is supported. Passwords are not supported. - It is about 2.5x times faster then using a c# implementation for 7z decompression. - You can extract a single file out of the 7z archive. - If you intend to decompress large files it would be better to use the largeFiles flag.(consumes less ram) - You can extract the contents of the 7z file keeping its folder structure. - Ability to get the filenames and file sizes of files in a 7z archive. - get progress of extraction when the 7zip archive has multiple files. - get byte level progress of 7z decompression (single or multiple files). - get byte level progress of lzma compression/decompression. - Ability to encode/decode to/from .lzma alone format. - Ability to decode a specific file in a 7z archive to a byte buffer. - Ability to decode/encode a byte buffer to/from the lzma alone format. - Ability to cancel the decompression when the 7z archive has multiple entries.
2021-08-23 13:18:02 121B unity 资源达人分享计划
2021-08-20 16:38:53 63.16MB 梅林
软件介绍: 可以设置月卡、季卡、8次卡或10次等卡类型,设置每天消费的次数,时段;刷卡后直接扣减次数或判断是否到期;能记录散客现金消费记录;清晰明了的查询功能.防止互刷卡还可以给会员拍照. 软件结构: 1、会员软件:软件安装在电脑中,所有会员信息都是记录在该软件中.包括会员卡类型,刷卡消费记录,加次加时记录等; 2、会员卡:用于会员身份的识别,每张卡的号码就是唯一的,刷卡的时候会自动显示出会员信息; 3、读卡器:用于读取卡中的号码,这个号码会记录在软件里面和会员的消费信息等关联在一起; 4、小票打印机:打印开户、消费或加次加时小票;小票内容包括会员号码、姓名、剩余次数和剩余时间等.
2021-08-18 09:17:08 9.24MB 会员管理系统
python-devel-2.7.5-68.el7.x86_64.rpm python-2.7.5-68.el7.x86_64.rpm 搭配,从iso中取出,亲测可用
2021-08-17 21:22:48 415KB python linux
学习UML及EA使用的好助手,另对于如何利用工具进行分析设计也有独到的观点,适合初学者。 之前找的资料中多是有电子书无示例或是有示例无电子书,这里我二合一,两部分合在一块,对于读者来说对照着看更方便学习。 为了积累些积分,如有侵权请知会,我会立即删除,谢谢。
2021-08-17 17:32:28 41.18MB UML && EA
2021-08-17 17:08:42 3.35MB 网卡聚合 系统安装
本想把这个版本一起传的哪知自己不能传大于15m的文件 。我按装遇到过密钥问题 希望有用
2021-08-17 14:22:38 36KB 密钥
Endnote 7.5 激活文件。先下载Endnote官方原版安装包,安装完成之后,将该License.dat拷贝至Endnote安装文件夹即可。亲测可用。
2021-08-16 15:31:33 281B Endnote 7.5 激活