Unity 2D特效资源包 2DxFX 2D Sprite FX v2.3.7.unitypackage
2021-11-11 11:27:21 13.1MB Unity C# 2D
镜头光晕模拟在相机镜头内折射光线的效果。它们用于表示非常明亮的灯光,或者更巧妙地用于为场景添加更多气氛。 此套装包括适用于Unity项目的16个镜头光晕。。现在分享给大家学习研究。 ----------------------- 切勿商用,后果自负!
2021-11-11 07:44:44 1.49MB unity 插件 光晕效果
官网下载的,需要15美元呢。Third Person Controller - Humanoid Basics 2.0完整项目;Third Person Controller - Humanoid Basics 2.0 有完整的项目
2021-11-10 14:43:14 11.11MB unity,插件
Unity绳索插件 QuickRopes,用来做绳索的插件v3.1.6Unity绳索插件 QuickRopes,用来做绳索的插件v3.1.6
2021-11-09 17:11:35 5.47MB Unity 插件
uFrame is an MVVM/MV* framework designed for the Unity Engine. It comes with a load of features including a graphing/diagramming engine that will generate code and even process some re-factorings. The graphing drastically increases the speed at which you can develop and enforces a consistent coding model for all of your team members. With Microsoft holo-lens on the rise and unity's cross platform capabilities, uFrame is the ultimate solution for building your next big app or game. What you get: - High quality graphing engine - Editable Code Generation Templates - uGUI Bindings - IOC/Dependency Injection - Complete MV* Implementation - Event Aggregation - Scene Management ( Loading scenes as prefabs with additive loading ) - Complete default project to get you started in no time - Battle tested run-time on extremely large projects - A very actively developed framework and tool-set - Incredible community of highly intelligent developers - An Open-Source framework - Support for all platforms - A big virtual hug from the Invert Team
2021-11-08 00:43:25 11.47MB Unity 插件 uFrame
MegaFiers unity 网格变形插件
2021-11-05 14:34:05 28.57MB unity 插件 网格
Requires Unity 5.2.2 or higher. The A* Pathfinding Project is a powerful and easy to use pathfinding system for Unity. With blazing fast pathfinding your AIs will be able to find the player in complex mazes in no time at all. Perfect for TD, FPS and RTS games. Take a look at what's new in the 4.0 update! Features: Grid, navmesh and point graphs, so you've got 3 types of graphs included. Automatic navmesh generation to save you from doing it manually. Fully multithreaded so it will barely affect the frame rate. Path post-processing using raycasting, smoothing and using the funnel algorithm. A single line of code for a pathfinding call. Graphs can be saved to files. Local Avoidance both in the XZ and XY plane. Source code included. Supports updating graphs during runtime. Includes a total of 16 example scenes to help you get started. Also a comprehensive online documentation where almost all functions and variables are documented.
2021-11-03 20:22:42 5.51MB Unity插件 自动寻路 A* A
Asset Hunter Pro 1.2.8 Unity编辑扩展插件,很有用,你知道的,可以很好的查询和得知你游戏工程环境里的情况。
2021-11-02 10:10:45 968KB Unity插件 编辑扩展 插件 .net
2021-11-01 20:05:48 2.25MB unity 插件 VRTK
2021-11-01 20:05:47 4.18MB unity 插件 VRTK