我关注了这个系列的书有一段时间了,本来是不想买这本书的,动画相关的部分目前对我来说没用。但是,前一段时间我们的项目需要做到活动的人体与衣服做碰撞,模拟组调研了一些资料,如实时体素化之类的,但是貌似开销很大,我这段时间想弄明白跟人体动画相关的知识,看看这个部分大致有哪些基础工作和难点,就弄了一本。   入门的好书,覆盖了动画效果中的大部分内容。插值计算部分还是有一些深度的,这部分要求还记得微积分和数值计算;也讲明了前向动力学、逆向动力学各自的优劣;隐式方程与level set,这部分在实时布料模拟方面也有应用;流体模拟方面讲解的不是很深入,而这方面更多是模拟方向,而且可以做的很深入,基本上不算动画了;关于动作捕获技术,这部分本应该是重点的,但是,本书只讲了传统的CV 实现技术,个人基本上使用不了,而没有提到最新的传感器fusion技术,深度摄像头技术,像Noitom 的高 性价比动作捕捉设备,Kinect /Xtion Pro 通过简单的算法直接获取简单的骨骼信息,这些都是可以个人实现的。12年出版的书,还是有点落后了。总体来说,还是入门时必备。希望作者尽快更新。   我现在依然在学习渲染和 物理引擎,等这两个主要部分学习完成了,就可以在整个系统中加入人物,动画效果。还是挺爽的。最近想到了在VR游戏中,动画部分还是很有用处的。以前在表现效果较好的端游中,人物的动作还是没有达到令人舒服的连贯与流畅,在VR游戏中,两个虚拟的人彼此可见,动作效果不好会很容易观察出来的。所以,这一块儿还是需要做一些工作的。 --------------------- 作者:knowthyselfcn 来源:CSDN 原文:https://blog.csdn.net/cloudqiu/article/details/54969965 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,转载请附上博文链接!
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数据挖掘概念与技术(Data mining concepts and techniques 3rd)中文版,数据挖掘经典书籍,最新第三版的中文书籍,清晰,好用的资源,描述了经典算法,适用于专业研究人员。
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Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics, Second Edition 电磁学数值技术,fortran语言 As the availability of powerful computer resources has grown over the last three decades, the art of computation of electromagnetic (EM) problems has also grown - exponentially. Despite this dramatic growth, however, the EM community lacked a comprehensive text on the computational techniques used to solve EM problems. The first edition of Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics filled that gap and became the reference of choice for thousands of engineers, researchers, and students. The Second Edition of this bestselling text reflects the continuing increase in awareness and use of numerical techniques and incorporates advances and refinements made in recent years. Most notable among these are the improvements made to the standard algorithm for the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method and treatment of absorbing boundary conditions in FDTD, finite element, and transmission-line-matrix methods. The author also added a chapter on the method of lines. Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics continues to teach readers how to pose, numerically analyze, and solve EM problems, give them the ability to expand their problem-solving skills using a variety of methods, and prepare them for research in electromagnetism. Now the Second Edition goes even further toward providing a comprehensive resource that addresses all of the most useful computation methods for EM problems.
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