In the early days of computer science, the interactions of hardware, software, compilers, and operating system were simple enough to allow students to see an overall picture of how computers worked. With the increasing complexity of computer technology and the resulting specialization of knowledge, such clarity is often lost. Unlike other texts that cover only one aspect of the field, The Elements of Computing Systems gives students an integrated and rigorous picture of applied computer science, as its comes to play in the construction of a simple yet powerful computer system. Indeed, the best way to understand how computers work is to build one from scratch, and this textbook leads students through twelve chapters and projects that gradually build a basic hardware platform and a modern software hierarchy from the ground up. In the process, the students gain hands-on knowledge of hardware architecture, operating systems, programming languages, compilers, data structures, algorithms, and software engineering. Using this constructive approach, the book exposes a significant body of computer science knowledge and demonstrates how theoretical and applied techniques taught in other courses fit into the overall picture. Designed to support one- or two-semester courses, the book is based on an abstraction-implementation paradigm; each chapter presents a key hardware or software abstraction, a proposed implementation that makes it concrete, and an actual project. The emerging computer system can be built by following the chapters, although this is only one option, since the projects are self-contained and can be done or skipped in any order. All the computer science knowledge necessary for completing the projects is embedded in the book, the only pre-requisite being a programming experience. The book's web site provides all tools and materials necessary to build all the hardware and software systems described in the text, including two hundred test programs for the twelve projects. The projects and systems can be modified to meet various teaching needs, and all the supplied software is open-source.
2022-03-01 15:04:10 6.9MB Operating Sy
高清英文PDF版。 本书作者作为一名软件构造系统专家,总结了自己在构造系统开发和维护方面的多年经验,对软件构造系统的原理进行了深入浅出的剖析,并通过各种实际使用场景,对几种最流行的构造工具进行了对比分析,另外还讨论了构造系统的性能优化、规模提升等高级主题。   《深入理解软件构造系统:原理与最佳实践》分为四部分。第一部分:基础知识,第1~5章分别从构造系统的高层概念、基于make的构造系统、程序的运行时视图、文件类型与编译工具、子标的与构造变量等方面介绍构造系统的概念和相关主题。第二部分:构造工具,第6~10章结合实际场景案例,对gnu make、ant、scons、cmake和eclipse ide这五种构造工具进行分析比较,品评优劣,帮助读者了解构造工具的当前状况,并理解每种工具的优缺点。第三部分:高级主题,第11~16章对依赖关系、元数据、软件打包与安装、构造机器、工具管理等高级主题进行讨论,帮助读者理解关于建设构造系统的许多高级主题,并了解最佳实践。第四部分:提升规模,第17~19章讨论了在大规模构造系统的环境下,如何降低复杂性,提高构造运行速度,帮助读者理解如何设计出能够适应规模增长的小型构造系统,从而对软件构造系统有更好的认识。
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实现了制表基于优化模型,称为批发电力市场模拟 ;它的独特之处在于它可以计算均集中优化,市场优化, 提供驱动调度和定价办法.
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etcd-cloud-operator 由一名前CoreOS工程师维护,并从为设计的的启发下,etcd-cloud-operator在云提供商上自动引导,监视,快照和恢复etcd集群。 用于代替etcd二进制文件并以最少的配置使用,操作员根据从云提供程序收集的数据和etcd群集本身的状态来处理etcd的配置和生命周期。 换句话说,操作员操作员旨在帮助人类操作员在夜间睡觉,而他们神秘的etcd数据存储即使在过程,实例,网络甚至可用性区域范围的故障中也能保持安全运行。 产品特点 调整大小:通过抽象化群集管理,可以轻松调整群集的大小,因为可以根据需要简单地缩放基础自动伸缩组。 快照:定期从每个etcd成员中捕获整个键值空间的快照,并将其上载到加密的外部存储中,以便etcd(或人工)操作员稍后在任何etcd集群中恢复存储。或实例。 故障恢复:当少数etcd成员发生故障时,受管成员会自动重新启动并重新加入集群,而不会破坏仲裁或导致明显的停机-首先,只需尝试重新加入其现有数据集,否则尝试以新成员的身份加入处于干净状态,或在必要时替换整个实例。 灾难恢复:如果由于大多数成员同时失败而导致
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