Learn R for Applied Statistics Learn R for Applied Statistics Learn R for Applied Statistics Learn R for Applied Statistics
2021-05-14 23:32:20 6.81MB 数据分析
course_Statistics_Story——《故事中的统计学》课程资料 简介 学校:天津医科大学 属性:本科选修课 学院:不限 专业:不限 文件夹 显示:课堂展示素材 幻灯片:教学幻灯片 华盛顿大学的公开课 简介:这是一门称为“布鲁士特的召唤”(Calling Bullshit)的公开课,收集整理了现实世界中利用歪曲事实,谬论数据的案例伴随背后的原理,你可以从中学到识别此类布鲁士特的方法,涉及的主题包括但不限于相关与因果,统计花招,大数据忽悠,可视化误导,发表歧视,掠夺性期刊,假新闻等。(向统计之都的于淼致谢) 官网(含视频):
2021-05-13 17:26:45 473.8MB TeX
the basic book for statistics, and is very useful for engineer
2021-05-13 10:27:28 11.02MB 概率论 statistics
Research in the statistical analysis of extreme values has flourished over the past decade: new probability models, inference and data analysis techniques have been introduced; and new application areas have been explored. Statistics of Extremes comprehensively covers a wide range of models and application areas, including risk and insurance: a major area of interest and relevance to extreme value theory. Case studies are introduced providing a good balance of theory and application of each model discussed, incorporating many illustrated examples and plots of data. The last part of the book covers some interesting advanced topics, including time series, regression, multivariate and Bayesian modelling of extremes, the use of which has huge potential.
2021-05-11 15:03:54 8.5MB statistics
2021-05-10 18:10:15 8.39MB statistics lasso admm R
成人收入分析 根据人口普查数据预测收入是否超过$ 50K /年。 我从UCI机器学习存储库收集了数据。 使用的分类模型: 决策树 线性回归 逻辑回归 随机森林 k最近邻居 支持向量机 我的分析表明,婚姻状况,人际关系和资本收益在收入预测中具有更大的重要性。 我的模型的ROC曲线:
2021-05-10 11:28:40 3.07MB python data-science machine-learning statistics
Mathematical Methods of Statistics - Cramer 统计数学奠基性著作 In this classic of statistical mathematical theory, Harald Cramér joins the two major lines of development in the field: while British and American statisticians were developing the science of statistical inference, French and Russian probabilitists transformed the classical calculus of probability into a rigorous and pure mathematical theory. The result of Cramér's work is a masterly exposition of the mathematical methods of modern statistics that set the standard that others have since sought to follow. For anyone with a working knowledge of undergraduate mathematics the book is self contained. The first part is an introduction to the fundamental concept of a distribution and of integration with respect to a distribution. The second part contains the general theory of random variables and probability distributions while the third is devoted to the theory of sampling, statistical estimation, and tests of significance.
2021-05-07 15:41:32 6.25MB Mathematical Statistics classic
该数据集包含有关YouTube每日热门视频的数月(且在不断增加)的数据。包含美国,GB,DE,CA和FR地区(分别为美国,英国,德国,加拿大和法国)的数据,每天最多列出200个趋势视频。 CA_category_id.json DE_category_id.json CAvideos.csv DEvideos.csv FR_category_id.json FRvideos.csv GB_category_id.json GBvideos.csv IN_category_id.json INvideos.csv JP_category_id.json JPvideos.csv KR_category_id.json KRvideos.csv MX_category_id.json MXvideos.csv RU_category_id.json RUvideos.csv US_category_id.json USvideos.csv
2021-05-06 19:16:44 199.09MB 数据集
2021-05-06 13:25:18 69KB r statistics bayesian stan