线性代数的完整展示必须包含复数 z = x + iy。即使在矩阵是实矩阵的情况下,其特征值与特征向量也往往是复数。例如:一个 2 × 2 矩阵有复特征向量 x = (1, i) 与 x = (1, −i)。
2022-11-10 16:22:18 679KB 线性代数 数学
Magnetic Circuits and Magnetic Materials 1 2 Transformers 57 3 Electromechanical-Energy-Conversion Principles 112 4 Introduction to Rotating Machines 173 5 Synchronous Machines 245 6 Polyphase Induction Machines 306 7 DC Machines 457 8 Variable-Reluctance Machines and Stepping Motors 407 9 Single- and Two-Phase Motors 452 10 Introduction to Power Electronics 493 11 Speed and Torque Control 559 Appendix A Three-Phase Circuits 628 Appendix B Voltages, Magnetic Fields, and Inductances of Distributed AC Windings 644 Appendix C The dq0 Transformation 657 Appendix D Engineering Aspects of Practical Electric Machine Performance and Operation 668 ADDendix E Table of Constants and Conversion Factors for Sl Units 680
2022-11-10 14:41:02 13.86MB Electric Machinery 6E Uman
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition (速成版) 在线安装
2022-11-09 11:17:22 2.58MB VC++ VC Visual C++
2022-11-08 18:52:17 5.02MB unity Best HTTP pro
计算机导论第6版Introduction to Computers(Sixth Edition) Norton著 自测题答案
2022-11-07 13:25:10 41KB 计算机导论 第6版 Introduction to
FontCreator Professional 软件简介: FontCreator 是一款易用的字体制作、字体编辑软件。它可以创建、修改 ttf, otf, ttc 格式的字体文件,并生成可在任意设备使用的标准字体文件。是Windows系统下制作编辑字体的必备软件。 使用方法: 使用Crac文件夹下的注册工具Keygen.exe算出序列号后,它将询问是否导入到注册表中,此时打开C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\hlfcx.reg文件,手动导入到注册表中;或者注册机自动导入到注册表中,即可完成专业版的注册。注意:注册机算号界面可以自定义用户名(第一个输入框)和机构(第二个输入框),现已支持中文!注册后切勿上网检查最新版本,一经检查,注册码就可能失效。在软件的选项-高级-检查更新,设置为“从不”(最好用防火墙禁止它联网)。注册机可能为杀毒软件报毒,不会危及到您个人隐私;如不放心请勿使用;可直接导入本压缩包事先准备的hlfc11.reg文件导入到注册表中。
2022-11-05 22:56:26 17.8MB FontCreator 字体设计软件
2022-11-05 03:04:39 22.34MB 英语单词
2022-11-04 20:59:56 22.41MB 算法
If programming is magic then web scraping is surely a form of wizardry. By writing a simple automated program, you can query web servers, request data, and parse it to extract the information you need. The expanded edition of this practical book not only introduces you web scraping, but also serves as a comprehensive guide to scraping almost every type of data from the modern web. Part I focuses on web scraping mechanics: using Python to request information from a web server, performing basic handling of the server’s response, and interacting with sites in an automated fashion. Part II explores a variety of more specific tools and applications to fit any web scraping scenario you’re likely to encounter. Parse complicated HTML pages Develop crawlers with the Scrapy framework Learn methods to store data you scrape Read and extract data from documents Clean and normalize badly formatted data Read and write natural languages Crawl through forms and logins Scrape JavaScript and crawl through APIs Use and write image-to-text software Avoid scraping traps and bot blockers Use scrapers to test your website
2022-11-04 10:47:37 6.77MB python
2022-11-04 00:46:56 7.18MB J2EE测试题