Eclipse同上 是Eclipse IoT范围内的一个开源项目,它提供了现成的功能来管理Digital Twins的状态。 它提供对它们的访问,并在物理世界和此数字表示之间进行中介。 越来越多的将Ditto用作其物联网平台的一部分-如果您使用得很好,那么展示您的将是非常好的。 文献资料 在项目站点上找到文档: : 入门 为了通过Docker Compose启动Ditto,您需要: 一个正在运行的Docker守护进程 安装了Docker Compose 您还可以使用其他方法来运行Ditto,请进行探索。 开始同上 为了从Docker Hub启动最新构建的Docker映像,只需执行以下命令即可: cd deployment/docker/ docker-compose up -d 启动后检查日志: docker-compose logs -f 打开以下URL开始使用: 或
2021-12-06 21:16:29 10.68MB iot internet-of-things eclipseiot digital-twin
1.Rafael C.Gonzalez英文原版 2.第三版完整版 3.数字图像处理国外经典教材
2021-12-05 13:51:19 59.3MB Digital image processing
Details Title: Digital Image Processing, 4th Edition Author: Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods Length: 1192 pages Edition: 4 Language: English Publisher: Pearson Publication Date: 2017-03-30 ISBN-10: 0133356728 ISBN-13: 9780133356724 Sales Rank: #680902 (See Top 100 Books) Categories Computers & Technology Engineering & Transportation Engineering Textbooks Description Introduce your students to image processing with the industry’s most prized text For 40 years, Image Processing has been the foundational text for the study of digital image processing. The book is suited for students at the college senior and first-year graduate level with prior background in mathematical analysis, vectors, matrices, probability, statistics, linear systems, and computer programming. As in all earlier editions, the focus of this edition of the book is on fundamentals. The 4th Edition, which celebrates the book’s 40th anniversary, is based on an extensive survey of faculty, students, and independent readers in 150 institutions from 30 countries. Their feedback led to expanded or new coverage of topics such as deep learning and deep neural networks, including convolutional neural nets, the scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT), maximally-stable extremal regions (MSERs), graph cuts, k-means clustering and superpixels, active contours (snakes and level sets), and exact histogram matching. ?Major improvements were made in reorganizing the material on image transforms into a more cohesive presentation, and in the discussion of spatial kernels and spatial filtering. ?Major revisions and additions were made to examples and homework exercises throughout the book. For the first time, we added MATLAB projects at the end of every chapter, and compiled support packages for you and your teacher containing, solutions, image databases, and sample code. The support materials for this title can be found at
2021-12-03 22:33:35 85.78MB CV 计算机视觉 图像处理 ImageProcessing
ADI 关于ADC和DAC的handbook, 里面详细讲述了各种ADC,DAC的工作原理,个子优缺点,是个不可多得的参考资料
2021-12-03 15:31:59 21.64MB data converter ADI digital
“伪造”一词是主观的。 根据使用它的上下文,图像可能会成为赝品。 为娱乐而编辑的图像或某人拍了一张糟糕的照片但经过修改以使其看起来更好,即使它已从原始捕获中更改,也不能被视为伪造。 在当前场景中,由于普遍使用强大的图像编辑工具,因此识别图像真实性的需求显着增加。 确定数字图像是真实的还是被篡改是一项重大挑战。 在数字图像中找到操纵痕迹是一项艰巨的任务。 现在,这些篡改痕迹可以通过称为旋转、缩放、JPEG 压缩、高斯噪声等称为攻击的各种操作来完成。 为了测试数字图像的原创性,技术得到了创新。 近年来,在这一研究领域中提出了不同的技术来检测上述攻击。 本文详细概述了用于检测图像伪造的各种方法和方法。
2021-12-03 11:56:45 661KB Digital Image Forensic; Image
2021-12-02 22:28:07 6.41MB Modeling Material Rendering 3D
Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems 第三版 扫描 清晰
2021-12-02 21:35:40 35.78MB Modern Digit
数字钟是一种用数字电路技术实现时、分、秒计时的钟表。与机械钟相比具有更高的准确性和直观性,具有更长的使用寿命,已得到广泛的使用。数字钟的设计方法有许多种。本课程设计采用了Altera公司型号EP2C5Q208C8的FPGA,这是我自己买的黑金动力的一款FPGA开发板,使用QuartusII 11.1程序、综合、管脚锁定、下载文件到硬件平台,使用ModelSim-Altera 10.0c (Quartus II 11.1) Starter Edition进行仿真,最终实现数字钟。
2021-12-02 19:19:58 1.89MB 数字种,FPGA
数字图像处理课程的最后project Matlab的一个窗口集成处理图像
2021-12-01 22:27:21 3.67MB matlab digital imag