axure 资源库,基于ant design pro制作的web组件,直接拉来使用
2022-09-04 22:04:33 41.52MB axure web web标准控件完成
设计模式精解(Design Patterns Explained),中文版+英文PDF版+英文chm版
2022-09-02 10:58:53 19.07MB 设计模式
设计模式精解(Design Patterns Explained),中文版+英文PDF版+英文chm版
2022-09-02 10:55:55 17.33MB 设计模式
2022-09-01 12:06:45 36.75MB JupyterNotebook
《Design by Contract原则与实践》是国内第一本系统阐述“契约式设计”思想和方法的译作,深刻理解和充分发挥契约在面向对象软件设计中的作用。《Design by Contract原则与实践》通过Eiffel、Java实例透彻分析DbC思想方法。引入DbC六大原则和六大准则,指导你的应用实践。精辟分析DbC在C/C++语言中的应用。
2022-08-31 18:17:02 9.84MB 契约
This newly revised book blends academic precision and practical experience in an authoritative introduction to basic principles of digital design and practical requirements in both board-level and VLSI systems. With over twenty years of experience in both university and industrial settings, John Wakerly has directly taught thousands of engineering students, indirectly taught tens of thousands through his books, and directly designed real digital systems representing tens of millions of dollars of revenue. The book covers the fundamental building blocks of digital design across several levels of abstraction, from CMOS gates to hardware design languages. Important functions such as gates, decoders, multiplexers, flip-flops, registers, and counters are discussed at each level. New edition features include de-emphasis of manual turn-the-crank procedures and MSI design, and earlier coverage of PLDs, FPGAs, and hardware design languages to get maximum leverage from modern components and software tools. HDL coverage now includes VHDL as well as ABEL.
2022-08-29 20:46:38 7.37MB DIGITAL DESIGN PRINCIPLES &
2022-08-29 19:20:47 10.39MB 设计模式
论文High-Order Digital Parametric Equalizer Design对应的代码 非常好的数字音频均衡器相关的学习资料!!!
2022-08-29 09:06:39 81KB
GOF-设计模式-Design Patterns-英文原版-高清-有目录-有页码
2022-08-27 17:45:58 2.59MB GOF 设计模式 Design Patterns
设计是一种探索性活动,有很多方法可以迷路或迷路。 没有预先存在的地图-该地图是通过设计过程构建的。 我们首先讨论设计空间-创建新内容时可能的选择空间-以及如何对其进行可视化。 然后,我们讨论评估空间-可以按照不同标准衡量特定设计的空间-以及如何对其进行可视化。 就像在任何形式的探索中一样,很难进行盘点,进行元分析并从不同的抽象层次来考虑情况,即进行元认知。 我们认为这是任何设计过程中必不可少的部分。 开发了设计对话的规范模型,并将其与特定专业软件设计对话中发生的情况进行比较。
2022-08-26 09:03:27 3.45MB Design space Evaluation space