Communication and Concurrency. R. Milner. Prentice Hall, 1989
2021-05-12 15:36:08 16.38MB Communication Concurrency Milner
2021-05-11 09:04:13 20KB labview 串口通信
太赫兹(THz)通信被视为满足对高速无线通信网络不断增长的需求的关键技术之一。 在太赫兹频率上非常高的路径损耗和太赫兹收发器的功率限制限制了太赫兹网络中的通信距离。 在发射和接收中同时需要波束成形定向天线,以在几米之外的距离上进行通信。 这导致了链路层的许多挑战,而现有的媒体访问控制(MAC)协议无法轻松解决这些挑战。 本文提出了一种用于THz通信网络的辅助波束成形MAC协议(TAB-MAC)。 该协议利用了两种不同的无线技术,即2.4 GHz的WiFi和THz频段通信。 特别是,节点依靠全向2.4 GHz信道交换控制信息并协调其数据传输(阶段1),而实际的数据传输仅在节点对齐其波束(阶段2)后才以THz频率进行。 建立了一个数学框架来分析TAB-MAC协议在分组延迟和吞吐量方面的性能,并根据总数据大小,数据帧大小,节点密度和THz频带中的数据速率来推导理论上限。 提供了数值结果,以评估所提出协议在不同情况下的性能并定义协议设计准则。 结果表明,所提出的协议最大程度地提高了THz信道利用率和可实现的吞吐量。
2021-05-10 21:12:51 958KB Terahertz band communication; MAC
通信系统中的多采样率信号处理(Multirate Signal Processing for Communication Systems);多速率dsp经典之作
2021-05-08 21:02:06 73.21MB dsp multirate
Computer and Communication Networks(2nd) 英文无水印原版pdf 第2版 pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2021-05-07 16:06:02 19.7MB Computer Networks
ISSCC2021_Session_14V_mm-Wave Transceivers for Communication and Radar.pdf
2021-05-04 09:04:00 38.49MB ISSCC
ISSCC2021_Session_22V_Terahertz for Communication and Sensing.pdf
2021-05-04 09:03:59 21.58MB ISSCC
2021-05-01 12:40:17 205KB communication esp8266 internet of
《Principles of Communication System Simulation with Wireless Aplications》书中附带的源代码,虽然可以在网上找到,但是链接不是那么好找。费了一番功夫,找出来给大家共享。 The hands-on, example-rich guide to modeling and simulating advanced communications systems. Simulation is an important tool used by engineers to design and implement advanced communication systems that deliver optimal performance. This book is a hands-on, example-rich guide to modeling and simulating advanced communications systems. The authors take a systems-level approach, integrating digital communications, channel modeling, coding, elementary statistical estimation techniques, and other essential facets of modeling and simulation. This is the first book to present complete simulation models built with MATLAB that can serve as virtual laboratories for predicting the impact of system design changes. Coverage includes: Role of simulation in communication systems engineering Simulation approaches and methodologies Signal and system representations, filter models, noise generation, Monte Carlo simulation, and postprocessing Advanced techniques for modeling and simulating nonlinear and time-varying systems Waveform level and discrete channel models Performance estimation via Monte Carlo simulation Semianalytic simulation techniques Variance reduction techniques Co-channel interference in wireless communication systems, and more The authors also present detailed case studies covering phase-locked loops, CDMA systems, multichannel nonlinear systems, as well as a start-to-finish simulation of an advanced cellular radio system. Prentice Hall Series in Communications Engineering & Emerging Technologies, Theodore S. Rappaport, Editor Support File(s) Prepared by: William H. Tranter Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Virginia Tech - Mail Code 0350 Blacksburg, VA 24061 email: Revision Dates: March, 20, 2004 June 14, 2004 The collection of folders contained herein provide the MATLAB source code for all progr
2021-04-29 10:48:42 51KB communication,simulation