Multi-ICE Server V2.2的安装软件,有需要的请下载
2021-11-10 18:28:08 8.13MB Multi-ICE Server 安装软件
2021-11-10 16:44:11 40.94MB 图像融合
多任务学习 此仓库旨在在PyTorch中实施几种多任务学习模型和培训策略。 该代码库是对以下工作的补充: , ,Wouter Van Gansbeke,Marc Proesmans,Dengxin Dai和Luc Van Gool。 , 和Luc Van Gool。 在可以找到有关多任务学习的最新作品列表。 安装 该代码与最新的Pytorch版本一起运行,例如1.4。 假设 ,最重要的软件包可以按以下方式安装: conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch conda install imageio scikit-image # Image operations conda install -c conda-forge opencv # OpenCV cond
2021-11-10 15:53:53 22.02MB pascal computer-vision pytorch segmentation
MTAN-多任务注意力网络 该存储库包含多任务注意力网络(MTAN)的源代码,以及来自Shikun , 和引入基线。 请参阅我们的项目页面的详细结果。 实验 图像到图像预测(一对多) 在文件夹im2im_pred ,我们提供了建议的网络以及本文介绍的NYUv2数据集上的所有基线。 所有模型都是用PyTorch编写的,并且在最新的提交中,我们已将实现更新为PyTorch 1.5版。 下载我们经过预处理的NYUv2数据集。 我们从使用预先计算的地面真实法线。 原始的13类NYUv2数据集可以使用定义的分段标签直接下载到。 很抱歉,由于意外的计算机崩溃,我无法提供原始的预处理代码。 更新-2019年6月:我现在发布了具有2、7和19类语义标签(请参阅本文以获取更多详细信息)和(反)深度标签的预处理CityScapes数据集。 下载[256×512个,2.42GB]版本 和[128×2
Multi-AP Specification (easy Mesh )规范
2021-11-10 14:19:19 2.94MB 协议规范easymesh Multi-APSpecifi
1 高效Win 32 串行通信程序 MTTTY (Multi-Threaded TTY)
2021-11-10 14:11:37 57KB MTTTY 串口通信
The MRSim (Multi-Robot Simulator) is an extension of the Autonomous mobile robotics toolbox SIMROBOT (SIMulated ROBOTs) created for MatLab 5 in 2001. MRSim allows the user to simulate the behavior of multiple mobile robots in virtual environments. When compared to its predecessor SIMROBOT, MRSim presents two key contributions: 1) It is fitted to the new MatLab versions - Previously, users were unable to work with SIMROBOT functions since most of them were incompatible with the new MatLab versions. MatLab significantly evolved over the last 10 years, making SIMROBOT obsolete. In this extension, all features of SIMROBOT were updated and improved based on the new MatLab functions; 2)It is also fitted to suit multi-robot applications - although SIMROBOT was endowed with various interesting features for mobile robotics, it presented several limitations for multi-robot applications. Therefore, MRSim was created primarily to allow users to develop multi-robot applications, which would benefit working with some specific requirements such as multi-hop communication. Moreover, most of the functionalities in MRSim have an integrated help (which can be accessed just by typing help function) that allows to easily understand the dynamics of how to create and run simulations. In sum, just like SIMROBOT, each robot in MRSim can be equipped with several virtual sensors and can be driven by its own control algorithm. The toolbox includes two independent applications. The first one is the EDITOR (simedit), which allows the user to create and modify the virtual environment,to edit the control algorithms of robots, to load and save simulation, and others. The second application, SIMULATOR (simview), can be run directly from the EDITOR or separately from MatLab Command Window and serves as a simulation viewer. A MatLab help file is being currently created and will be add in the future.
2021-11-09 22:02:02 2.18MB 多机器人 仿真 协同控制 算法
Multi object tracking-a litrature review.pdf
2021-11-09 18:15:21 1.22MB 目标跟踪
此演示代码使用 Bat 算法和加权求和方法解决双目标函数优化问题。 该程序可以扩展以解决任何多个目标。
2021-11-09 17:08:46 3KB matlab
使用Python分析Multi-Fasta格式的DNA序列 一个Python程序,将包含多FASTA格式的DNA序列的文件作为输入,并计算以下问题的答案: 文件中有几条记录? FASTA文件中的记录定义为单行标题,后跟序列数据行。 在第一列中,标题行与序列数据之间用大于号(“>”)隔开。 “>”符号后的单词是序列的标识符,该行的其余部分是该条目的可选描述。 “>”和标识符的首字母之间不应有空格。 文件中序列的长度是多少? 最长的序列是什么,最短的序列是什么? 是否有一个以上的最长或最短序列? 它们的标识符是什么? FASTA格式 FASTA格式的序列文件可以包含多个序列。 FASTA格式的每个序列均以单行描述开头,后跟序列数据行。 广告内容描述行必须在第一列中以大于(“>”)符号开头。 FASTA格式的示例序列为: AB000263 | ACC = AB000263 | DESCR
2021-11-08 10:49:48 14KB Python