Second-harmonic generation (SHG) microscopy is a recently developed nonlinear optical imaging modality for imaging tissue structures with submicron resolution and is a potent tool for visualizing pathological effects of diseases. In this letter, we present our investigation on the influence of van G
2021-02-10 16:05:44 879KB 非线性显 多阶谐波 组织 180.4315
2021-02-10 12:03:46 136KB Java
How Online Social Network Affects Offline Events A Case Study on Douban
2021-02-09 09:06:55 259KB 研究论文
We propose a method for simultaneous 3D temperature and velocity measurement of a micro-flow field. The 3D temperature field is characterized with two-color laser-induced fluorescence particles which are tracked with micro-digital holographic particle tracking velocimetry. A diffraction-based model
2021-02-07 20:05:20 804KB
In this letter, a p-channel lateral doublediffused MOSFET (p-LDMOS) with double electron paths used to enhance the current capability is proposed. The proposed p-LDMOS has two n-channels that are controlled by an auto-generated voltage signal (VGn). The voltage signal VGn is generated during the ON and OFF states of the hole current that flows across an integrated resistor (Rp) implemented in the P-base region. Thus, the current capability of the p-LDMOS can be significantly enhanced by the intr
2021-02-07 20:05:19 1.41MB p-LDMOS current capability autocontrolled
A study for texture feature extraction of high-resolution satellite images based on a direction measure and gray level co-occurrence matrix fusion algorithm
2021-02-07 16:03:03 1.25MB 研究论文
Go语言原本 当前内容基于go1.15 Go语言从2009年诞生之初已有十余年的历史。纵观大多数编程语言的历史进程,令人震惊的是Go语言自身在进化的这十余年间,语言本身却发生了太大从语言设计的角度而言,作为一门从生成之初就考虑一下法规,高并发,简洁等原则的语言,很难让人本书就是一本讨论Go语言原始码工程中的技术原理及其替代历程的书籍。 致读者的话 读者可能会好奇,设计总在某种程度上,原始总在变化,为什么要耗费力气研究实际工作中可能永远不会接触到的源码?笔者以为不然,因为『软件工程发生在代码被非原作者阅读之时』 ,在阅读源码的过程中,我们除了能进一步加深对语言本身的理解,更重要的则是理解某些设计背后所使用的基本原理,以及当其他人在实现这个设计的过程中发生的工程方法上,实践与实现技巧。代码总是可以推倒重来,但原理却能『永生』。 本书的创作前景是涵盖整个Go语言的方方面面。这包括用户代码能直接接触的Go运行时组件,与关键语言特性强相关的工具链,大量重要的标准库等等。在部分情况下,本书会讨论不同平台下的实现差异,但着重以Linux / amd64为主。 阅读的预备知识 阅读本书的读者应该具备
2021-02-02 20:36:46 39.46MB go golang source-code-study GoGo
CCIE Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Study Guide Second Edition.pdf
2021-02-02 12:32:52 18.89MB 网络