The applications of DSP are numerous and include multimedia technology, audio signal processing, video signal processing, cellular mobile communication, adaptive network management, radar systems, pattern analysis, pattern recognition, medical signal processing, financial data forecasting, artificial intelligence, decision making systems, control systems and information search engines.
2021-03-05 10:48:38 8.61MB Signal Processing and Noise
Discrete-Time Signal Processing, 3rd--【Oppenheim】
2021-03-03 22:19:46 50.13MB Discrete-Time Si
The FDSP toolbox is designed as a course supplement for the textbook: R. J. Schilling and S. L. Harris, "Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB". This book contains all of the computational examples, figures, and tables, solutions to selected problems, and help documentation. Using the book, students can explore, compare, and directly experience the effects of signal processing techniques without any need for programming. Contents Solutions Manual to Chapter 1: Signal Processing Chapter 2: Discrete-time Systems in the Time Domain Chapter 3: Discrete-time Systems in the Frequency Domain Chapter 4: Fourier Transforms and Spectral Analysis Chapter 5: Filter Design Specifications Chapter 6: FIR Filter Design Chapter 7: HR Filter Design Chapter 8: Multirate Signal Processing Chapter 9: Adaptive Signal Processing
2021-03-02 16:39:08 93.32MB matlab ;Digital Signal Processing
离散时间信号处理,奥本海姆,第三版,英文。 内容包括离散时间信号与系统,z变换,连续时间信号的采样,线性时不变系统的变换分析,离散时间系统结构,滤波器设计方法,离散傅里叶变换,离散傅里叶变换的计算,利用离散傅里叶变换的信号傅里叶分析,参数信号建模,离散希尔伯特变换,倒谱分析与同态解卷积。本书例题和习题丰富,具有实用价值。
2021-03-01 20:59:55 11.33MB 信号处理 奥本海姆
2021-03-01 15:27:59 6.74MB 音频信号处理
2021-02-27 15:15:50 10.94MB DSP 英文原版 数字信号处理
Keshab K. Parhi 所著的 VLSI Digital Signal Processing 是DSP领域的开山鼻祖一般的权威书籍, 本文件是我自己Djvu格式转来的pdf英文原版,具有高清晰度(不同于国内版本的扫描版), 值得参考
2021-02-22 13:52:53 25.22MB VLSI DSP 英文原版
SPECTRAL AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSING very good frequency domain audio processing book
2021-02-21 12:10:11 5.69MB DSP audio fft
Understanding Digital Signal Processing 3rd Edition.pdf 学习数字信号处理的最经典的教材,国外经典,强力推荐
2021-02-19 00:02:14 25.79MB 通信 数字信号处理