书名:实时系统 (Real Time System) 作者:Jane. W.S.liu 内容全面 中英双版 望对大家有用!
2020-02-21 03:12:05 53.64MB Jane W.S.Liu
µC/OS-II: The Real-Time Kernel, 2nd Edition(英文电子书) 本资源来自于官方网页 http://micrium.com/download/%c2%b5cos-ii-the-real-time-kernel-2nd-edition/ 下载需要注册,故分享之,注意是英文版的。 初学的朋友还是看邵贝贝老师的中文版比较容易理解。 毕竟邵老师的中文版也多次刊印,本人翻看多次,并无疏漏,连错别字、笔误都没有。 另,邵老师的中文版CSDN里有扫描的资源,可耐心找一下。
2020-02-04 03:03:24 4.1MB µC/OS-II uC/OS-II
LOAM ,Lidar Odometry and mapping in real time;一个开源的3d slam建图方法,值得参考
2020-01-03 11:37:29 3.48MB load 3d  slam
Graphics programming is the magic behind video games, film, and scientific simulation. Every explosion, dust particle, and lens flare you see on a computer screen is processed through a graphics card. In addition, because modern operating systems use the graphics processing unit (GPU) to draw their content, every pixel you see is rendered through the GPU and through software developed by a graphics programmer. It’s a broad topic, but one that has traditionally been the province of a select few. Even to experienced software developers, rendering is often considered a dark art, full of complex mathematics and esoteric tools. Furthermore, the rapid pace of advancement makes modern graphics programming a moving target, and establishing a foothold can be difficult.
2020-01-03 11:37:20 16.12MB DirectX HLSL
Real-Time Volume Graphics 电子书PDF
2020-01-03 11:17:33 43.19MB Volume Graphics
2019-12-21 21:38:49 3.53MB real time
Written by an expert in the game industry, Christer Ericson's new book is a comprehensive guide to the components of efficient real-time collision detection systems. The book provides the tools and know-how needed to implement industrial-strength collision detection for the highly detailed dynamic environments of applications such as 3D games, virtual reality applications, and physical simulators. Of the many topics covered, a key focus is on spatial and object partitioning through a wide variety of grids, trees, and sorting methods. The author also presents a large collection of intersection and distance tests for both simple and complex geometric shapes. Sections on vector and matrix algebra provide the background for advanced topics such as Voronoi regions, Minkowski sums, and linear and quadratic programming. Of utmost importance to programmers but rarely discussed in this much detail in other books are the chapters covering numerical and geometric robustness, both essential topics for collision detection systems. Also unique are the chapters discussing how graphics hardware can assist in collision detection computations and on advanced optimization for modern computer architectures. All in all, this comprehensive book will become the industry standard for years to come.
2019-12-21 21:32:21 3MB Real-Time Collision Detection
Real-Time Rendering 4th Edition完整版 全彩 pdf 892MB 这里挂的是百度云链接
2019-12-21 21:31:21 66B realtime ren 实时渲染 图形学
Real-Time Rendering, Fourth Edition 实时渲染最新版 第四版PDF,下载地址见文档....
2019-12-21 21:16:37 64B 渲染 RealTime
This book presents a clear roadmap to learning real-time 3D computer graphics with WebGL 2. Each chapter starts with a summary of the learning goals for the chapter, followed by a detailed description of each topic. The book offers example-rich, up-to-date introductions to a wide range of essential 3D computer graphics topics, including rendering, colors, textures, transformations, framebuffers, lights, surfaces, blending, geometry construction, advanced techniques, and more. With each chapter, you will "level up" your 3D graphics programming skills. This book will become your trustworthy companion in developing highly interactive 3D web applications with WebGL and JavaScript.
2019-12-21 21:16:06 33.41MB webgl 3d real-time