Altera的低端大杀器飓风系列,飓风2代Cyclone ii 的数据手册
2021-08-06 16:54:23 3.82MB FPGA Cyclone
一本很好的学习推荐系统的参考手册,全面而系统。由全球做推荐系统的研究人员参与编写。目录主干: 1 Introduction to Recommender Systems Handbook Part I Basic Techniques 2 Data Mining Methods for Recommender Systems 3 Content-based Recommender Systems: State of the Art and Trends 4 A Comprehensive Survey of Neighborhood-based Recommendation Methods 5 Advances in Collaborative Filtering 6 Developing Constraint-based Recommenders 7 Context-Aware Recommender Systems Part II Applications and Evaluation of RSs 8 Evaluating Recommendation Systems 9 A Recommender System for an IPTV Service Provider: a Real Large-Scale Production Environment. 10 How to Get the Recommender Out of the Lab? 11 Matching Recommendation Technologies and Domains 12 Recommender Systems in Technology Enhanced Learning Part III Interacting with Recommender Systems 13 On the Evolution of Critiquing Recommenders 14 Creating More Credible and Persuasive Recommender Systems:The Influence of Source Characteristics on Recommender System Evaluations 15 Designing and Evaluating Explanations for Recommender Systems 16 Usability Guidelines for Product Recommenders Based on Example Critiquing Research 17 Map Based Visualization of Product Catalogs Part IV Recommender Systems and Communities 18 Communities, Collaboration, and Recommender Systems in PersonalizedWeb Search 19 Social Tagging Recommender Systems 20 Trust and Recommendations 21 Group Recommender Systems: Combining Individual Models Part V Advanced Algorithms 22 Aggregation of Preferences in Recommender Systems 23 Active Learning in Recommender Systems 24 Multi-Criteria Recommender Systems 25 Robust Collaborative Recommendation
2021-08-05 22:02:41 8.33MB 推荐系统手册
要求 节点 10 纱线 1.x 或 npm 设置 克隆存储库 运行yarn或npm install安装所有必需的依赖项。 npm 脚本 等效的npm run [removed]也应该工作 yarn lint将使用对所有文件进行 lint yarn format将在所有示例文件(和测试)上使用--fix选项运行 lint。 执照 代码在下获得。
2021-08-04 22:04:52 149KB jest jest-tests jest-handbook JavaScript
PDP 11/40 Processor Handbook,这是帮助文档,早期的UNIX操作系统就是在DEC公司的PDP上开发的。这是我从MIT下载下来的,绝对真实可靠。
2021-08-03 10:20:45 8.54MB PDP 11 40 Processor
Tamer Basar, Georges Zaccour (eds.) - Handbook of Dynamic Game Theory (, Springer International Publishing)
2021-08-01 20:06:07 13.5MB Dynamic Game Game Theory
ADI的模拟电路讲解,通俗易懂,每个点讲的的都很到位,涉及到PCB,EMI 高速,OP,传感器应用,总之是不可多得一本模拟好书
2021-07-30 21:55:11 8.65MB ADI 模拟电路
2021-07-29 18:11:54 11.74MB 运算放大器
Cocoa Programming Developer’s Handbook 书籍以及配套源码 对应的中文译本名《Cocoa编程开发者手册》,这里提供的是其原本,技术人员建议还是读原本。 《Cocoa编程开发者手册》是关于MacOSX上CocoaAPI的指南,涵盖了从用户界面到网络编程各个方面的特性。《Cocoa编程开发者手册》共七个部分,详细叙述了核心的框架,以及其他许多用来构建丰富应用程序的组件,指出了庞大的API中最有价值的地方,指引读者进一步学习。 《Cocoa编程开发者手册》适合MacOSX应用程序开发人员及爱好者阅读。
2021-07-28 21:39:13 12.79MB Cocoa
This book is written for researchers, professionals, and computer science and engineering students at the advanced undergraduate level and higher who are familiar with networking and network protocol concepts and basic ideas about algorithms. For the more advanced parts of the book, the reader should have general familiarity with Internet protocols such as TCP and IP routing. For some sections of the book such as discussions of mobility or multicasting, familiarity with mobility in IP and IP multicasting will be helpful but is not required. The Handbook of Peer-to-Peer Networking is intended to provide readers with a comprehensive reference for the most current developments in the field. It offers broad coverage P2P networking with fifty chapters written by international experts. In addition, we hope the book becomes an important reference to those who are active in the field.
2021-07-27 15:16:48 12.33MB Peer-to-Peer Networking
海洋机器人方面的书,由海洋机器人顶级专家Thor I. Fossen编写。
2021-07-27 14:21:06 28.09MB 海洋机器人