简单易用的FastReport报表文件修改器,此工具就这么一个程序文件。 拖动任何后缀名为.frf或.fr3的FastReport报表文件到程序上,就可以打开文件修改。本工具直接编辑报表文件,无需数据库支持。
2021-07-19 18:22:05 3.47MB FastReport 报表 文件修改器
FastReport VCL提供了创建报表所需的所有工具,包括报表引擎,可视化的报表设计器,预览窗口,对话框设计工具,以及Pascal-like 宏解释程序。 它可用于在Embarcadero(比如Borland和CodeGear)Delphi 7-XE8和C++Builder 2005-XE8、Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney等开发工具中。
2021-07-15 16:10:53 98.13MB FastReport Delphi VCL Sydney
FastReport 6.6.17 Enterprise Source Code for Delphi7 and Delphi27 (10.4 Sydney) FastReport Package Simplification Management Toolkit by xander.xiao@gmail.com, version 2.0, 2020-5-27 What is Package simplification management ? As Fastreport include a stack of design package files, it is boring to install these packages manually, we need a easy way to work out it, here is my solution which may apply to any package management besides Fastreport: My solution, in a brief, copy all files of all packages in one folder which is named by a Environment varible %ProjectHome% which has following structure: %ProjectHome%\Bin for all BPL files of all packages, runtime and design time files %ProjectHome%\LibD7 for Delphi 7 Compiled unit files and resource files (dcu,dcp,dfm,res etc.) %ProjectHome%\LibD26 for Delphi XE 10 Rio Compiled unit files and resource files (dcu,dcp,dfm,res etc.) Each Delphi version related folder may have platform (Win32,Win64 etc.) and configuration (release or debug) specified subfolders. after that, double click REG files to import Delphi known design time packages. This toolkit include two sets: 1. Resource translation, this function is provided by res\FR4Trans.exe, res\frccEx.exe and res\Chinese\@Deploy.bat, besides Chinese it can work with any language 2. Package simplification management, it is functioned by @DelUnUsedFiles.bat,@Deploy.bat,@BuildAllPackages.bat and REG files in quickInstall folder All source code included, you can modified freely. Usage: step0: Make a backup of your fastreport source code, then copy all files in this folder to FastReport home folder. Step1: Execute recompile.exe to generate specified version related folder and files (Recompile all package first, then Change Language to Chinese or othor one). step2: Execute @DelUnUsedFiles.bat to delete unused files in the folder which step1 generated. step3: Execute @Deploy.bat to deploy all files to the project home folder. step4: Double Click reg files in quickInstall fol
2021-07-15 15:46:03 57.16MB FastReport 10.4
FastReport VCL提供了创建报表所需的所有工具,包括报表引擎,可视化的报表设计器,预览窗口,对话框设计工具,以及Pascal-like 宏解释程序。
2021-07-15 13:03:02 90.83MB 开发技术 delphi
2021-07-13 15:15:01 43.27MB 报表管理工具
解压密码:123 安装说明:https://blog.csdn.net/hongfu951/article/details/118517942 FastReport。net概述 FastReport . net 2021包含一套复杂的工具,针对需要全面报告解决方案的开发人员。 可以与Visual Studio一起制作应用无关的报表。 它是有效分析数据数组的方便工具。 FastCube使您能够轻松且快速地分析数据、构建汇总表(数据片)以及创建各种报告和图表。 也可以下载FastReport . net 2020。 FastReport . net 2021专为Visual Studio开发人员设计。该应用程序由各种复杂的工具组成,可以帮助需要完整报告解决方案的开发人员。该应用程序由三个相互关联的主要组件组成,它们共同工作以生成专业的、完全可管理的报告。第一个是Demo组件,它提供对示例报告集合的访问,这些示例报告可以进一步定制,并用作未来项目的参考点。您还可以将表单添加到现有的报告中,并操作各种不同的文档格式,包括查看、打印和导出。您也可以下载FastReport . net 2019。
2021-07-13 14:06:38 81.57MB FastReport.Net v2021.2.8
XE Berlin 10.1.2 安装没问题,别的没有测试过。
2021-07-12 09:02:58 19.06MB delphi 打印
delphi 2010版本所使用的fastreport
2021-07-09 21:30:24 10.96MB fastreport
FastReport VCL提供了创建报表所需的所有工具,包括报表引擎,可视化的报表设计器,预览窗口,对话框设计工具,以及Pascal-like 宏解释程序。 它可用于在Embarcadero(比如Borland和CodeGear)Delphi 7-XE8和C++Builder 2005-XE8、Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney等开发工具中。
2021-07-09 20:11:44 98.18MB delphi fastreport
2021-07-08 18:14:01 4.39MB exe 报告单设计器