Over 90 practical, actionable recipes to automate, test, and manage your infrastructure quickly and effectively About This Book Bring down your delivery timeline from days to hours by treating your server configurations and VMs as code, just like you would with software code. Take your existing knowledge and skill set with your existing tools (Puppet, Chef, or Docker) to the next level and solve IT infrastructure challenges. Use practical recipes to use code to provision and deploy servers and applications and have greater control of your infrastructure. Who This Book Is For This book is for DevOps engineers and developers working in cross-functional teams or operations and would now switch to IAC to manage complex infrastructures. What You Will Learn Provision local and remote development environments with Vagrant Automate production infrastructures with Terraform, Ansible and Cloud-init on AWS, OpenStack, Google Cloud, Digital Ocean, and more Manage and test automated systems using Chef and Puppet Build, ship, and debug optimized Docker containers Explore the best practices to automate and test everything from cloud infrastructures to operating system configuration In Detail Infrastructure as Code (IAC) is a key aspect of the DevOps movement, and this book will show you how to transform the way you work with your infrastructure―by treating it as software. This book is dedicated to helping you discover the essentials of infrastructure automation and its related practices; the over 90 organized practical solutions will demonstrate how to work with some of the very best tools and cloud solutions. You will learn how to deploy repeatable infrastructures and services on AWS, OpenStack, Google Cloud, and Digital Ocean. You will see both Ansible and Terraform in action, manipulate the best bits from cloud-init to easily bootstrap instances, and simulate consistent environments locally or remotely using Vagrant. You will discover how to automate and test a range of sys
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