出版社: Apple Academic Press Inc.; 2nd New edition (2014年11月17日) 丛书名: Optics and Photonics 精装: 899页 语种: 英语 ISBN: 1482217511 条形码: 0001482217511 商品尺寸: 18.4 x 5.1 x 25.4 cm ASIN: 1482217511 Carefully structured to instill practical knowledge of fundamental issues, Optical Fiber Communication Systems with MATLAB (R) and Simulink (R) Models describes the modeling of optically amplified fiber communications systems using MATLAB (R) and Simulink (R). This lecture-based book focuses on concepts and interpretation, mathematical procedures, and engineering applications, shedding light on device behavior and dynamics through computer modeling. Supplying a deeper understanding of the current and future state of optical systems and networks, this Second Edition: Reflects the latest developments in optical fiber communications technology Includes new and updated case studies, examples, end-of-chapter problems, and MATLAB (R) and Simulink (R) models Emphasizes DSP-based coherent reception techniques essential to advancement in short- and long-term optical transmission networks Optical Fiber Communication Systems with MATLAB (R) and Simulink (R) Models, Second Edition is intended for use in university and professional training courses in the specialized field of optical communications. This text should also appeal to students of engineering and science who have already taken courses in electromagnetic theory, signal processing, and digital communications, as well as to optical engineers, designers, and practitioners in industry.
2021-05-25 13:03:23 51.36MB Optical Fibe
MIMO Communication for Cellular Networks,2012年的一本新书,对SU-MIMO和MU-MIMO等做了详细的讲解,是一本难得的好书
2021-05-20 23:50:53 3.1MB MIMO SU-MIMO MU-MIMO
Publisher: Wiley 2010-02-15 | 742 Pages | ISBN: 0470714581 | PDF | 13 MB New and updated edition of this authoritative and comprehensive reference to the field of satellite communications engineering. Building on the success of previous editions, Satellite Communications Systems, Fifth Edition covers the entire field of satellite communications engineering from orbital mechanics to satellite design and launch, configuration and installation of earth stations, including the implementation of communications links and the set-up of the satellite network. This book provides a comprehensive treatment of satellite communications systems engineering and discusses the technological applications. It demonstrates how system components interact and details the relationship between the system and its environment. The authors discuss the systems aspects such as techniques enabling equipment and system dimensioning and state of the art technology for satellite platforms, payloads and earth stations. New features and updates for the fifth edition include: •More information on techniques allowing service provision of multimedia content •Extra material on techniques for broadcasting, including recent standards DVB-RCS and DVB-S2 (Digital Video Broadcasting -Return Channel Satellite and -Satellite Version 2) •Updates on onboard processing By offering a detailed and practical overview, Satellite Communications Systems continues to be an authoritative text for advanced students, engineers and designers throughout the field of satellite communications and engineering.
2021-05-20 23:12:36 14.24MB 卫星 通信 系统 Communication
2021-05-20 14:24:35 3.46MB fading channels
声明 1.本资源包含全部16章答案,绝对完整! 2.我试过,在别的地方下不到免费的完整版本! 3.不知大家是否发现,答案里有很多错误的地方,大多数是计算错误,也有推导错误,而有的题目中的数据取得不妥。习题和答案都是Goldsmith本人所写,所以请大家不要迷信权威。
2021-05-19 22:02:22 2.35MB Goldsmith wireless communication
2021-05-18 15:29:39 9.17MB Digital Communication
超图理论;无线通信网络中的应用 可以在spring查询一下目录。
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移动通信原理:第二版(美) Gordon L. Stuber著 经典
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