Windows 32位版本的CEF3工程代码(需要自己CMake创建sln,自行编译产生cefsimple/cefclient)。Chromium版本:74.0.3729.157。编译时加入ffmpeg支持,可以播放mp3, mp4, 支持h.264/aac。可以自己访问html5test.com验证。另外,从chrome中将全屏幕/应用程序共享功能代码merge到了CEF中,可以在js中调用getDisplayMedia()调用该功能。本程序包包含debug/release版本(但不包括libcef.dll.pdb文件,太大了)。另外如果debug编译报错,只需要在启动参数增加--no-proxy-server即可
2019-12-21 19:42:16 162.73MB CEF
Windows 32位版本的CEF3工程代码(需要自己CMake创建sln,自行编译产生cefsimple/cefclient)。Chromium版本:75.0.3770.100。编译时加入ffmpeg支持,可以播放mp3, mp4, 支持h.264/aac。可以自己访问html5test.com验证。另外,从Chromium源码中将全屏幕/窗口共享功能代码merge到了CEF中,可以在js中调用getDisplayMedia()调用该功能。
2019-12-21 19:42:16 180.09MB CEF
Practical Binary Analysis: Build Your Own Linux Tools for Binary Instrumentation, Analysis, and Disassembly By 作者: Dennis Andriesse ISBN-10 书号: 1593279124 ISBN-13 书号: 9781593279127 出版日期: 2018-12-11 pages 页数: (449) Stop manually analyzing binary! Practical Binary Analysis is the first book of its kind to present advanced binary analysis topics, such as binary instrumentation, dynamic taint analysis, and symbolic execution, in an accessible way. As malware increasingly obfuscates itself and applies anti-analysis techniques to thwart our analysis, we need more sophisticated methods that allow us to raise that dark curtain designed to keep us out–binary analysis can help. The goal of all binary analysis is to determine (and possibly modify) the true properties of binary programs to understand what they really do, rather than what we think they should do. While reverse engineering and disassembly are critical first steps in many forms of binary analysis, there is much more to be learned. This hands-on guide teaches you how to tackle the fascinating but challenging topics of binary analysis and instrumentation and helps you become proficient in an area typically only mastered by a small group of expert hackers. It will take you from basic concepts to state-of-the-art methods as you dig into topics like code injection, disassembly, dynamic taint analysis, and binary instrumentation. Written for security engineers, hackers, and those with a basic working knowledge of C/C++ and x86-64, Practical Binary Analysis will teach you in-depth how binary programs work and help you acquire the tools and techniques needed to gain more control and insight into binary programs. Once you’ve completed an introduction to basic binary formats, you’ll learn how to analyze binaries using techniques like the GNU/Linux binary analysis toolchain, disassembly, and code injection. You’ll then go on to implement profiling tools with Pin and learn how to build your own dynamic taint analysis tools w
2019-12-21 18:57:10 15.86MB Linux
LBP算法,返回直方图和特征点图像,支持Uniform Pattern
2019-12-21 18:54:31 3KB 人脸识别 图像识别 LBP
cef3.2623版本,cefbuilds下载,支持CMake转换vs的sln工程,亲测可用。 CEF简介: 嵌入式Chromium框架(简称CEF) 是一个由Marshall Greenblatt在2008建立的开源项目,它主要目的是开发一个基于Google Chromium的Webbrowser控件。CEF支持一系列的编程语言和操作系统,并且能很容易地整合到新的或已有的工程中去。 它的设计思想政治就是易用且兼顾性能。CEF基本的框架包含C/C++程序接口,通过本地库的接口来实现,而这个库则会隔离宿主程序和Chromium&Webkit的操作细节。它在浏览器控件和宿主程序之间提供紧密的整合,它支持用户插件,协议,javascript对象以及javascript扩展,宿主程序可以随意地控件资源下载,导航,下下文内容和打印等,并且可以跟Google Chrome浏览器一起,支持高性能和Html5 技术
2019-12-21 18:48:02 133.96MB cef cefbuilds CMake chrom
2015-05-29 00:00:00 66.48MB cef3.2357
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2013-09-10 00:00:00 7.26MB james