Computer Systems Architecture A Networking Approach Second Edition Rob Williams
2021-09-06 20:35:20 18.15MB computer
Computer Architecture 英文无水印pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2021-09-06 00:00:33 4.5MB Computer Architecture
With growing interest in computer security and the protection of the code and data which execute on commodity computers, the amount of hardware security features in today's processors has increased significantly over the recent years. No longer of just academic interest, security features inside processors have been embraced by industry as well, with a number of commercial secure processor architectures available today.
2021-09-04 12:04:45 3.26MB Secure Proce
Complex_Convolutional_Neural_Network_Architecture 该存储库进一步体现了我对一些著名的复杂卷积神经网络架构的实现。 这些模型是使用Tensorflow的Keras功能API从零开始开发的,这是一种创建比tf.keras.Sequential API更灵活的模型的方法。 功能性API可以处理具有非线性拓扑的模型,具有共享层的模型以及具有多个输入或输出的模型。 这种架构使神经网络可以学习深度模式(使用深度路径)和简单规则(通过短路径)。 开发型号清单 从分支悬空模型到深度卷积和点卷积的模型已经进行了实验。 我还实现了U-net,这是专门用于生物医学图像分割的独特体系结构。 最后,我制作了一个自定义的复杂模型,并在上进行了训练。 AlexNet-AlexNet是卷积神经网络的名称,它对机器学习领域产生了重大影响,特别是在将深度学习应用于机器视觉
2021-09-03 16:41:50 707KB keras resnet unet alexnet-model
AMD 64 处理器手册
2021-09-03 13:01:49 17.46MB amd 手册
2021-09-02 16:10:13 239KB architecture
Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture,构架师必备,epub格式,英文原版,排版非常好。
2021-09-02 15:02:03 5.58MB 构架
Processor Microarchitecture An Implementation Perspective.pdf
2021-08-31 11:20:42 1.02MB architecture
吉林大学2016级软件学院Software Architecture 讨论题答案。
2021-08-30 13:34:23 1.28MB Software Arc 简答题答案
1.An Architectural Approach To Level Design 2014; 2.英文原版,PDF格式; 3.内容简介: This is a book about level design. It is also about how to look at designed space, which game levels, environments, and worlds most certainly are. Real-world architecture, urban environments, and gardens are also designed spaces. At some point, a designer (it doesn’t matter which kind; design is mostly universal) sat down to solve a problem that could only be solved by designing an interactive space. This problem could be how to best capture sunlight coming through a window, embody a religious idea, accentuate an important clue to solving a puzzle, or provide the best position for fragging competitors in an online game. Sometimes these spaces are loved by the people who use them, whether it is a home to raise a family, a plaza to enjoy a latte and some people watching, or a city in which to shoot gangsters and jump cars off of piers. Comparing level design and architecture can be very simple. It can also allow us to reveal things about both we have not seen before. This book reflects on both based on how they solve problems and create meaningful experiences for those using them. From these reflections, this book provides an architectural approach to level design that emphasizes spatial design for maximum user engagement.
2021-08-30 12:35:57 16.55MB Architecture 架构设计 LevelDesign Interactive