目前802.11ax协议最新的Draft 1.0版本,802.11ax引进或者改进了多项新技术,例如更高的调制阶数(1024QAM)、更多的FFT点数、更窄的子载波间隔、上下行OFDMA技术、上下行MU-MIMO技术(其中下行MU-MIMO在802.11ac时引入)、空间复用技术等。
2021-09-02 13:04:08 4.46MB 802.11ax
移动通信标准协议ieeestd802.11b 802.11b has a maximum raw data rate of 11 Mbit/s and uses the same CSMA/CA media access method defined in the original standard. Due to the CSMA/CA protocol overhead, in practice the maximum 802.11b throughput that an application can achieve is about 5.9 Mbit/s using TCP and 7.1 Mbit/s using UDP. 802.11b products appeared on the market in mid-1999, since 802.11b is a direct extension of the DSSS (Direct-sequence spread spectrum) modulation technique defined in the original standard. The Apple iBook was the first mainstream computer sold with optional 802.11b networking. Technically, the 802.11b standard uses complementary code keying (CCK) as its modulation technique. The dramatic increase in throughput of 802.11b (compared to the original standard) along with simultaneous substantial price reductions led to the rapid acceptance of 802.11b as the definitive wireless LAN technology. 802.11b devices suffer interference from other products operating in the 2.4 GHz band. Devices operating in the 2.4 GHz range include: microwave ovens, Bluetooth devices, baby monitors and cordless telephones. Interference issues and user density problems within the 2.4 GHz band have become a major concern and frustration for users.
2021-09-02 08:34:56 6.37MB 802.11b
华为 荣耀 笔记本 锐龙版8822ce WIN10网络驱动驱动 实测可用 背部标识: 笔记本电脑 型号:Nbl-WAP9HNL 驱动大师等类似识别网卡软件识别型号:Realtek 8822CE Wireless LAN 802.11ac PCI-E NIC / Electronics Telecommunication RSH 经过2020年2月19日的实际测试,此驱动可用,有效,稳定。 http://www.chinafix.net
2021-08-31 21:52:23 2.76MB WIN10 8822 802.11ac 网卡
2021-08-31 09:02:02 7.48MB 无线网络
2021-08-30 18:21:14 104KB WIFI性能 802.11 无线性能 网络性能
2021-08-30 18:20:37 234KB WIFI性能 802 11 802.11ac 性能计算
网络设备无线路由器相关行业从事5年以上,有丰富经验。 根据所学知识编写的入门基础知识文档,适合小白对WIFI感兴趣或者同行专业人士学习。
2021-08-30 18:15:13 3.14MB 802.11 wifi IEEE802.11 无线技术
rtl8812au, Realtek 802.11网卡Linux驱动程序 Realtek 802.11交流( rtl8812au )这是 802.11交流( rtl8812au ) v4.2.2 ( 7502.20130507 ) 驱动程序改变的fork,可以以在Linux内核版本> = 3.10上进
2021-08-29 21:54:59 1.58MB 开源
802.11 协议详解
2021-08-29 13:01:13 1.44MB 802.11协议详解
2021-08-28 18:16:12 4.74MB wifi