英语在用--剑桥初级英语语法 -------- 本丛书是世界上最畅销的英语语法与词汇学习参考书,迄今读者记逾千万,被誉为“英语学习者的‘圣经’”。 -------- Essential_Grammar_in_Use_3rd_ed[RaymondMurphy].djvu 英文第二版扫描彩色清晰版 djvu格式 使用windjview工具查看(http://windjview.sourceforge.net/) --------- 它专为非英语国家英语学习者编写,在结构上,条理明晰,形式简约顺达;在内容上,解析重点与难点,透彻生动,同时反复练习,巩固成效。 “英语在用”丛书包括语法和词汇两个系列,每系列分3级,分别针对初、中、高级学习者,并配有练习册。既可作为自学用书,也可作为课堂用书。
2019-12-21 21:32:26 10.48MB english grammar 语法 剑桥
Head First C# 3th的WPF使用指南和原代码。Head First C# 3th使用的是Window Store,对于需要使用WPF的读者提供了WPF的替代章节。本资源即为此替代章节及原代码。请下载之前看好说明,有需要在下载。
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2019-12-21 21:24:50 108.45MB 英文原版
All researchers need to write or speak about their work, and to have research that is worth presenting. Based on the author's decades of experience as a researcher and advisor, this third edition provides detailed guidance on writing and presentations and a comprehensive introduction to research methods, the how-to of being a successful scientist. Topics include: · Development of ideas into research questions; · How to find, read, evaluate and referee other research; · Design and evaluation of experiments and appropriate use of statistics; · Ethics, the principles of science and examples of science gone wrong. Much of the book is a step-by-step guide to effective communication, with advice on: · Writing style and editing; · Figures, graphs and tables; · Mathematics and algorithms; · Literature reviews and referees’ reports; · Structuring of arguments and results into papers and theses; · Writing of other professional documents; · Presentation of talks and posters. Written in an accessible style and including handy checklists and exercises, Writing for Computer Science is not only an introduction to the doing and describing of research, but is a valuable reference for working scientists in the computing and mathematical sciences.
2019-12-21 21:23:49 5.26MB writing academic english
《网格系统》中英文双语版(Grid systems an English-Chinese version)
2019-12-21 20:37:31 122.92MB book
学习Python requests(丢掉urllib2吧)最好最新的书,含pdf, epub两个格式,电脑手机上同时学习用
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English for Writing Research Papers 2011 Adrian Wallwork写学术科研英文论文的经典指导书籍
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AMD高性能计算首席科学家写的一本关于OpenCL的书。 本书将介绍在复杂环境下的OpenCL和并行编程。这里的复杂环境包含多种设备架构,比如:多芯CPU,GPU,以及完全集成的加速处理单元(APU)。
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主要针对近10几年来,常见的运动目标检测算法中比较有代表性的文章收集,如GMM,PDF,Codebook,SOBS,SACAN、W4, VIBE等。
2019-12-21 20:03:24 13.47MB 目标检测 混合高斯 码本