线性回归餐厅情感分析 目录表 描述 线性回归机器学习模型可预测评论是肯定的还是否定的。 它以86%的准确度正确预测正确的标签。 技术领域 使用以下项目创建项目: python版本:3.9.1 NumPy库版本:1.20.0 熊猫库版本:1.2.2 数据集 制作数据集后,每个功能都是代表餐厅评论中所使用单词的存在或不存在的分类特征(0、1)。 常见词(例如“ the”,“ a”等)未分类。 每行代表一个点(餐厅评论),每列代表其特征(评论中是否使用单词)。 除了评论是肯定的(1)还是否定的(0),每列都是除包含标签的最后一列之外的单独功能。 设置 下载.py文件,training_dataset,validation_dataset和权重文件。 将它们放在单个文件或项目文件中。 运行代码 将以下内容添加到类文件中: x = logistic_regression("train_d
2021-02-26 12:05:53 4.99MB Python
码农 转 机器学习,logistic regression 推导过程,有启发,0基础可看懂,用颜色标注的很清楚 (免费公开版)
2021-02-25 16:03:09 3.55MB regression
The identification of nonlinear spatiotemporal dynamical systems given by partial differential equations has attracted a lot of attention in the past decades. Several methods, such as searching principle-based algorithms, partially linear kernel methods, and coupled lattice methods, have been developed to address the identification problems. However, most existing methods have some restrictions on sampling processes in that the sampling intervals should usually be very small and uniformly distri
2021-02-22 14:05:54 1.46MB 研究论文
Research on a Least Squares Thresholding Algorithm for Pavement Crack Detection
2021-02-22 09:07:57 311KB 研究论文
This paper takes the p-adic representation of integers as the research object to realize the distance measurement of integers in the p-adic metric space. The authors firstly apply the Euclidean algorithm to infer the coefficients of a positive integer in polynomial representation, whose corresponding negative integer can be obtained with the help of the similar solution method of binary complement; secondly, the coefficients are respectively mapped into from mod p to mod the n-th power of p laye
2021-02-22 09:07:45 393KB distance measure; p-adic; metric
The report focuses on development of the expert system, which can provide for the producer the quantitative analyze of rice cultivation process managing methods. The rice growth base knowledge is presented in it in the form of mathematical regression models. While developing the system, the Web-technologies and JESS expert system are used. As the result, the knowledgebase and the prototype of rice cultivation management expert system were developed by the authors. The convergence of crop growth
2021-02-22 09:07:44 394KB rice cultivation; mathematical regression
By applying support vector regression, the modeling data of rice leaves collected in our study were grouped into sample training set and test set, and three machine learning prediction models on rice growing environment against leaf blade length, width and SPAD value were constructed..
2021-02-22 09:07:43 1.73MB Rice leaf physiological ecology
详尽搜索 这个R包的目的是提供一个易于使用,快速和可扩展的穷举搜索框架。 详尽的功能选择可能需要安装和评估大量模型。 因此,执行速度和内存管理是执行此类任务的关键因素。 该软件包通过使用多线程C ++后端解决了这两个问题。 通过仅存储最佳结果来保持内存使用率不变。 这样可以评估通常在标准设置中通常不可行的巨大任务。 安装 您可以从CRAN安装ExhaustiveSearch R软件包的发行版: install.packages( " ExhaustiveSearch " ) 当前开发版本可以从GitHub安装: devtools :: install_github( " RudolfJagdhuber/ExhaustiveSearch " ) 用法 主要功能ExhaustiveSearch()使用典型的formula和data结构,您可能会对lm()或glm()等函数熟悉。 作为