2021-10-29 14:49:02 73.12MB CISSP
2021-10-29 10:45:15 24.14MB PMBOK
Program design foundation-c programming experiment Description: Experiment 1 and 2 are both electronic lab reports. The following 8 experiments are paper lab reports. Experiment 1 computer basic operation The experiment purpose Familiar with computer, can be able to operate correctly, turn off operation. Be familiar with the keyboard, grasp the input of all characters on the keyboard, master the correct fingering, can carry on the middle, English switch. To understand the operating system concept, master the basic operation of Windows XP, and can use the "control panel" to set up some parameters. You will know the function of "recycle station", learn the basic operation of files and folders. It learns to search or find relevant files or folders on a computer, and master the use of wildcards. The experiment content, Familiar with the computer, familiar with the keyboard, the translation of input in English. The essay learns to enter with the correct fingering, knowing the input of all characters on the keyboard. The "control panel" is used to modify the system time, desktop background, and mouse properties. To create a new folder on the desktop, the folder is named after the student's own name + class +. Use a text or Word document to write a self-introduction that contains no less than 300 words and is named and saved in the above folder. The group copies the above folder to 22. Experiment 2 common software basic operation The experiment purpose Understanding Word function, the basic operation of Word, including the header/footer setting, the column, the page setting, adding the base line etc. 2 learn to file save and open, the interval of print preview, paragraphs, the first character position change, etc., can insert images, forms, art words in the Word, special symbols, etc. (3) understand the function of Excel, master the basic operation of the Excel, including cell properties of several kinds of filling form, the ce 发表评论 Program design foundation-c progra
2021-10-28 18:58:17 9.08MB 英文书籍
C++ Primer Plus(第六版)中英文两版 C++ Primer Plus(第六版)中英文两版 C++ Primer Plus(第六版)中英文两版
2021-10-26 19:18:33 220.01MB 书籍
《计算机网络:自顶向下方法(原书第6版)》第1版于12年前出版,首创采用自顶向下的方法讲解计算机网络的原理和协议,出版以来已被几百所大学和学院选用,是业界最经典的计算机网络教材之一。 《计算机网络:自顶向下方法(原书第6版)》第6版继续保持了以前版本的特色,为计算机网络教学提供了一种新颖和与时俱进的方法,同时也进行了相当多的修订和更新:第1章更多地关注时下,更新了接入网的论述;第2章用python替代了java来介绍套接字编程;第3章补充了用于优化云服务性能的tcp分岔知识;第4章有关路由器体系结构的内容做了大量更新;第5章重新组织并新增了数据中心网络的内容;第6章更新了无线网络的内容以反映其最新进展;第7章进行了较大修订,深入讨论了流式视频,包括了适应性流和cdn的讨论;第8章进一步讨论了端点鉴别;等等。另外,书后习题也做了大量更新。 《计算机网络:自顶向下方法(原书第6版)》适合作为本科生或研究生“计算机网络”课程的教材,同时也适合网络技术人员、专业研究人员阅读。
2021-10-26 18:04:59 3.3MB 计算机网络 考研党 课后答案 英文版
1 Vector Analysis 1 1.1 Definitions, Elementary Approach 1 1.2 Rotation of the Coordinate Axes 7 1.3 Scalar or Dot Product 12 1.4 Vector or Cross Product 18 1.5 Triple Scalar Product, Triple Vector Product 25 1.6 Gradient, V 32 1.7 Divergence, V 38 1.8 Curl, Vx 43 1.9 Successive Applications of V 49 1.10 Vector Integration 54 1.11 Gauss' Theorem 60 1.12 Stokes' Theorem 64 1.13 Potential Theory 68 1.14 Gauss' Law, Poisson's Equation 79 1.15 Dirac Delta Function 83 1.16 Helmholtz's Theorem 95 Additional Readings 101 2 Vector Analysis in Curved Coordinates and Tensors 103 2.1 Orthogonal Coordinates in R3 103 2.2 Differential Vector Operators 110 2.3 Special Coordinate Systems: Introduction 114 2.4 Circular Cylinder Coordinates 115 2.5 Spherical Polar Coordinates 123 ν 2.6 Tensor Analysis 133 2.7 Contraction, Direct Product 139 2.8 Quotient Rule 141 2.9 Pseudotensors, Dual Tensors 142 2.10 General Tensors 151 2.11 Tensor Derivative Operators 160 Additional Readings 163 3 Determinants and Matrices 165 3.1 Determinants 165 3.2 Matrices 176 3.3 Orthogonal Matrices 195 3.4 Hermitian Matrices, Unitary Matrices 208 3.5 Diagonalization of Matrices 215 3.6 Normal Matrices 231 Additional Readings 239 4 Group Theory 241 4.1 Introduction to Group Theory 241 4.2 Generators of Continuous Groups 246 4.3 Orbital Angular Momentum 261 4.4 Angular Momentum Coupling 266 4.5 Homogeneous Lorentz Group 278 4.6 Lorentz Covariance of Maxwell's Equations 283 4.7 Discrete Groups 291 4.8 Differential Forms 304 Additional Readings 319 5 Infinite Series 321 5.1 Fundamental Concepts 321 5.2 Convergence Tests 325 5.3 Alternating Series 339 5.4 Algebra of Series 342 5.5 Series of Functions 348 5.6 Taylor's Expansion 352 5.7 Power Series 363 5.8 Elliptic Integrals 370 5.9 Bernoulli Numbers, Euler-Maclaurin Formula 376 5.10 Asymptotic Series 389 5.11 Infinite Products 396 Additional Readings 401 6 Functions of a Complex Variable I Analytic P
2021-10-26 13:48:50 8.1MB Mathematical Physicists
C/C++ primer plus 英文第六版,两本书,高清非扫描。
2021-10-25 15:58:58 10.9MB C primer plus C++
数据库系统概念(Database System Concepts, Abraham.Silberschatz)英文第六版,全部答案 每章的答案分为前后两部分,分别放在两个文件夹中
2021-10-24 21:02:31 24.98MB 数据库系统 第六版 英文 答案
2021-10-20 14:06:19 24.99MB 数据库
2021-10-20 13:41:40 116B 数据库系统 DB2 第六版答案