滑模变结构控制MATLAB仿真基本理论与设计方法 仿真程序,为数不多的基本滑膜教材的代码,可以参考的学习理论和加深理解
2019-12-21 19:37:54 860KB 滑模控制程序
滑模变结构控制MATLAB仿真 第3版 基本理论与设计方法pdf+仿真程序 本书从MATLAB仿真的角度系统地介绍了滑模变结构控制的基本理论、基本方法和应用技术,是作者多年来从事控制系统教学和科研工作的结晶,同时融入了国内外同行近年来所取得的新成果。 本书是在第2版基础上修改而成的,并增加了部分内容。全书共分12章,包括滑模变结构控制发展综述、连续系统滑模控制、自适应鲁棒滑模控制、基于干扰及输出测量延迟观测器的滑模控制、反演及动态面滑模控制、基于滤波器及状态观测器的滑模控制、模糊滑模控制、神经滑模控制、离散系统滑模控制、基于LMI的滑模控制、Terminal滑模控制。每种控制方法都利用MATLAB程序进行了仿真分析。 本书各部分内容既相互联系又相对独立,读者可根据自己需要选择学习。
2019-12-21 19:35:04 47.45MB 滑模控制
基于趋近律的线性滑模matlab仿真,可实现4种趋近律的不同仿真 供学习参考
2019-12-21 19:28:57 657B 滑模 趋近律
[此书为滑模控制国外经典教材,《Sliding Mode Control:Theory and application》,作者C Edwards, S Spurgeon] In the formation of any control problem there will be discrepancies between the actual plant and the mathematical model for controller design. Sliding mode control theory seeks to produce controllers to over some such mismatches. This text provides the reader with a grounding in sliding mode control and is appropriate for the graduate with a basic knowledge of classical control theory and some knowledge of state-space methods. From this basis, more advanced theoretical results are developed. Two industrial case studies, which present the results of sliding mode controller implementations, are used to illustrate the successful practical application theory.
2019-12-21 19:27:20 117.7MB 滑模控制 国外经典教材
Sliding Modes in Control and Optimization (英语) Vadim I. Utkin (作者) 高清电子版 The book is devoted to systems with discontinuous control. The study of discontinuous dynamic systems is a multifacet problem which embraces mathematical, control theoretic and application aspects. Times and again, this problem has been approached by mathematicians, physicists and engineers, each profession treating it from its own positions. Interestingly, the results obtained by specialists in different disciplines have almost always had a significant effect upon the development of the control theory. It suffices to mention works on the theory of oscillations of discontinuous nonlinear systems, mathematical studies in ordinary differential equations with discontinuous righthand parts or variational problems in nonclassic statements. The unremitting interest to discontinuous control systems enhanced by their effective application to solution of problems most diverse in their physical nature and functional purpose is, in the author's opinion, a cogent argument in favour of the importance of this area of studies. It seems a useful effort to consider, from a control theoretic viewpoint, the mathematical and application aspects of the theory of discontinuous dynamic systems and determine their place within the scope of the present-day control theory. The first attempt was made by the author in 1975-1976 in his course on "The Theory of Discontinuous Dynamic Systems" and "The Theory of Variable Structure Systems" read to post-graduates at the University of Illinois, USA, and then presented in 1978-1979 at the seminars held in the Laboratory of Systems with Discontinous Control at the Institute of Control Sciences in Moscow.
2019-12-21 19:27:20 5.07MB 滑模控制
二阶滑模控制器仿真,应用M函数实现 速度较慢,如果效果不好,请适当增加采样时间
2019-12-21 19:21:04 83KB 控制器 滑模  二阶滑模 M函数
2019-12-21 19:18:14 17KB s函数 永磁同步电机
滑膜变结构控制的一本非常经典的好书,特意制作了详细的目录,方便大家阅读! 章节:第1章 绪论 第2章 线性系统的滑模变结构控制 第3章 非线性系统的滑模变结构控制 第4章 离散时间系统的滑模变结构控制 第5章 模糊滑模变结构控制 第6章 神经网络滑模变结构控制 第7章 基于支持向量机的滑模变结构控制 第8章 滑模变结构控制的应用
2019-12-21 18:47:50 35.31MB 滑模控制 自动控制 智能控制
2019-10-17 19:12:28 4KB 神经网络滑