Linux Driver Development for Embedded Processors - Second Edition: Learn to develop Linux embedded drivers with kernel 4.9 LTS(带目录书签),超清非扫描,文字可复制。作者:ALBERTO LIBERAL DE LOS RÍOS (西班牙)。第二版,出版年:2018。本书官方源码: 。
2020-03-15 03:08:13 6.76MB linux linux驱动开发
Counterfactuals and Causal Inference (第二版) Methods and Principles for Social Research。作者:Stephen I. Morgan, Christopher Winship。作为近年来最热话题之一的因果推断分析,这本书将以前以图结构为本的因果分析框架与更加传统的“Potential Outcomes”框架分别以理论和实例进行深度剖析,同时对这二者进行关联与结合,并对其背后的哲学思维与框架限制进行讨论。此书在美国多个顶级院校采用作为教科书,因果分析中的必备材料。
2020-02-05 03:13:42 8.25MB 统计分析 因果推断 假设检验 控制变量
Python High Performance - Second Edition(pdf+epub+mobi+code_files).zip
2020-02-04 03:17:48 9.12MB python
2020-02-02 03:14:23 2.11MB phylogenetic tree 进化树 R
A First Course in Stochastic Processes, Second Edition.pdf Samuel Karlin, Howard M.Taylor
2020-02-01 03:16:34 42.83MB math
2020-01-18 03:24:56 16.2MB laser physics
Programming -- Principles and Practice Using C++ (Second Edition)
2020-01-10 03:13:56 35.59MB Principles Practice C++ (Second
Concurrent Programming in JavaTM: Design Principles and Patterns, Second Edition By Doug Lea In Concurrent Programming in Java, Second Edition, you will find thoroughly updated coverage of the Java 2 platform and new or expanded coverage of: • • • • Memory model Cancellation Portable parallel programming Utility classes for concurrency control The Java platform provides a broad and powerful set of APIs, tools, and technologies. One of its most powerful capabilities is the built-in support for threads. This makes concurrent programming an attractive yet challenging option for programmers using the Java programming language. This book shows readers how to use the Java platform's threading model more precisely by helping them to understand the patterns and tradeoffs associated with concurrent programming. You will learn how to initiate, control, and coordinate concurrent activities using the class java.lang.Thread, the keywords synchronized and volatile, and the methods wait, notify, and notifyAll. In addition, you will find detailed coverage of all aspects of concurrent programming, including such topics as confinement and synchronization, deadlocks and conflicts, state-dependent action control, asynchronous message passing and control flow, coordinated interaction, and structuring web-based and computational services. The book targets intermediate to advanced programmers interested in mastering the complexities of concurrent programming. Taking a design pattern approach, the book offers standard design techniques for creating and implementing components that solve common concurrent programming challenges. The numerous code examples throughout help clarify the subtleties of the concurrent programming concepts discussed.
2020-01-10 03:04:49 2.42MB Concurrent Programming java
全书包括Understanding GPS Principles and Applications, Second Edition 及其中文译本《GPS原理与应用》,便于相互对照,是经典GPS卫星导航教程
2020-01-04 03:15:03 33.04MB GPS 教程
A Second Course in Stochastic Processes
2020-01-03 11:40:07 120.35MB math