Qt5 C++ GUI Programming Cookbook
2022-10-08 11:30:44 4.45MB Qt5
RxSwift - Reactive Programming with Swift (version 4.4)
2022-10-07 17:39:36 23.72MB ios
The Formal Semantics of Programming Languages pdf格式.
2022-10-03 15:39:50 6.24MB Formal Semantics Programming Languages
Python-3-编程专业化 该存储库包含该专业中所有课程的解决方案。 课程1:Python基础 本课程介绍Python 3的基础知识,包括条件执行和迭代作为控制结构,以及字符串和列表作为数据结构。 课程2:Python函数,文件和字典 本课程介绍字典数据结构和用户定义的函数。 您将了解局部和全局变量,可选参数和关键字参数传递,命名函数和lambda表达式。 您还将了解Python的排序函数,以及如何通过传入另一个函数作为输入来控制其排序顺序。 对于您的最终项目,您将从文件中读取模拟的社交媒体数据,计算情感分数,并写出.csv文件。 课程3:使用Python进行数据收集和处理 本课程教您从Internet上的服务中获取和处理数据。 它涵盖了Python列表的理解,并提供了练习从深层嵌套数据中提取和处理它们的机会。 您还将学习如何使用Python请求模块与REST API进行交互,以及在这些
2022-10-01 22:15:38 9KB Python
iOS 开发入门书籍,pdf版本,高清清晰,适合想入门ios开发人员与初级开发工程师
2022-09-29 04:40:42 10.41MB ios  苹果开发 苹果开发入门 ios书籍
2022-09-28 23:12:18 583KB Perl Hacks Tips
Title: Unity AI Programming Essentials Author: Curtis Bennett, Dan Violet Sagmiller Length: 158 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: Packt Publishing Publication Date: 2014-12-26 ISBN-10: 1783553553 ISBN-13: 9781783553556 Use Unity3D, a popular game development ecosystem, to add realistic AI to your games quickly and effortlessly About This Book Implement pathfinding, pathfollowing, and use navigation mesh generation to move your AI characters within the game environment Use behaviour trees to design logic for your game characters and make them “think” A practical guide that will not only cover the basics of AI frameworks but also will teach how to customize them Who This Book Is For This book is aimed at developers who know the basics of game development with Unity and want to learn how to add AI to their games. You do not need any previous AI knowledge; this book will explain all the essential AI concepts and show you how to add and use them in your games. In Detail Unity is a powerful cross-platform game creation system that includes a game engine and integrated development environment (IDE). AI programming in Unity is a key task for any game developer as it gives you the ability to make computer characters think and behave like a living organism. This book focuses on the different AI tasks that are essential for game development using Unity. It includes topics such as defining "minds" for your characters with behavior trees. Furthermore, it covers more specialized AI tasks such as how to implement AI crowds and how to create driving AI for vehicles. We have a section dedicated to NavMesh, one of the most important aspects of pathfinding, that will show you how to customize the mesh generation to handle different use cases for different characters. This is a practical book as it uses several popular Unity plugins such as RAIN and React AI to accomplish different AI tasks. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Pathfinding Chapter 2: Patrolling Chapter 3: Behavior Trees Chapter 4: Crowd Chaos Chapter 5: Crowd Control Chapter 6: Sensors and Activities Chapter 7: Adaptation Chapter 8: Attacking Chapter 9: Driving Chapter 10: Animation and AI Chapter 11: Advanced NavMesh Generation
2022-09-28 08:31:54 4.81MB Unity AI
After a dozen years of incremental changes, C# has become one of the most versatile programming languages available. With this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn just how powerful the combination of C# 5.0 and .NET 4.5 can be. Author Ian Griffiths guides you through C# 5.0 fundamentals and teaches you techniques for building web and desktop applications, including Windows 8-style apps. Completely rewritten for experienced programmers, this book provides many code examples to help you work with the nuts and bolts of C# code, such as generics, dynamic typing, and the new asynchronous programming features. You’ll also get up to speed on XAML, ASP.NET, LINQ, and other .NET tools. Discover how C# supports fundamental coding features such as classes, other custom types, collections, and error handling Understand the differences between dynamic and static typing in C# Query and process diverse data sources such as in-memory object models, databases, and XML documents with LINQ Use .NET’s multithreading features to exploit your computer’s parallel processing capabilities Learn how the new asynchronous language features can help improve application responsiveness and scalability Use XAML to create Windows 8-style, phone, and classic desktop applications
2022-09-27 16:48:52 8.68MB C#
《计算机程序设计艺术》系列著作对计算机领域产生了深远的影响。这一系列堪称一项浩大的工程,自1962年开始编写,计划出版7卷,目前已经出版了4卷。《美国科学家》杂志曾将这套书与爱因斯坦的《相对论》等书并列称为20世纪最重要的12本物理学著作。目前Knuth正将毕生精力投入到这部史诗性著作的撰写中。 本合集包括 《计算机程序设计艺术(卷1):基本算法(第3版)》 《计算机程序设计艺术 卷2:半数值算法(英文版•第3版)》 《计算机程序设计艺术 卷3:排序与查找(英文版•第2版)》 《计算机程序设计艺术卷4A:组合算法1(英文版)》
2022-09-24 22:04:46 31.11MB 算法
2022-09-24 17:00:56 591KB high