2021-10-01 15:59:31 41KB utf8-kernel
PostgreSQL的学习心得和知识总结(四十五)|关于PostgreSQL数据库开源作业调度扩展 pg_cron 默认GMT时区修改 的实现方案
2021-09-30 11:03:49 5KB pg_cron GMT PostgreSQL
patch_rasterize 二维三角剖分的光栅化patch_rasterize 将二维三角剖分光栅化为图像。 功能返回栅格化三角测量的图像。 这张图很相似到用于 OpenGL 的 glSelectBuffer 以进行快速“挑选”的那个。 I = patch_rasterize(p) 创建一个 size=max(p.vertices) 的图像。 如果第 f 个三角形 p.faces(f,:) 包含位置 (i,j) 处的像素,然后I(i,j)=f。 一旦 I 被计算出来,检索三角形的索引包含点 (x,y) 可以通过 f = I( round(x), round(y) ) 来实现不带参数的函数运行执行示例 1。 示例 1: clc,清除,全部关闭; % 生成一些数据P = gallery('uniformdata',[100 2],0); DT = delaunayTriangulation
2021-09-30 02:39:11 2KB matlab
去掉相机中的一些选项,相机右上角 设置图标点击无反应
2021-09-24 18:00:58 21KB camera
2021-09-24 18:00:57 33KB statusbar
EPLAN P8 授权相关文件及方法!支持版本2.7
2021-09-19 10:21:33 13.74MB epaln
博客:PostgreSQL的学习心得和知识总结(四十四)|语法级自上而下完美实现Oracle数据库DECODE函数的实现方案(GreenPlum & AntDB)
2021-09-18 14:04:39 17KB PostgreSQL Oracle decode
AOMEI Backupper 4.0全集,包括以下版本: AOMEI Backupper Professional Edition 4.0:Windows 10, Windows 8.1/8, Windows 7, Vista and XP (all editions, 32/64-bit) AOMEI Backupper Server Edition 4.0: Windows Server 2003, 2008 (R2), 2012 (R2), 2016, SBS 2003, 2008, 2011, and WHS 2011, also including Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP (all editions, 32/64-bit) AOMEI Backupper Technician Edition 4.0:As the highest edition, AOMEI Backupper Technician contains all the features and utilities of others. Besides, you can get top priority yet lifetime free technical support. It supports to offer charged technical service to unlimited companies and individuals as well as supports to install on unlimited computers within one company even in multiple locations. NOTES: If you want to view the detailed function of Technician Edition, just refer to Server Edition since they are same on this part. For customers who have purchased AB Technician, please uninstall AB Technician from client’s computers after providing technical service. One license code can be used for a single technician only to provide charged technical service. If there are more than one technician, you could purchase additional license codes.
2021-09-18 01:15:13 284.35MB 备份还原
2021-09-17 13:57:06 1.39MB ArcGIS10.2.2补丁文件 ArcGIS-1022-DT-S
支持usb camera的patch UVC全称为USB Video Class,即:USB视频类,是一种为USB视频捕获设备定义的协议标准。是Microsoft与另外几家设备厂商联合推出的为USB视频捕获设备定义的协议标准,已成为USB org标准之一
2021-09-14 17:21:19 325KB uvc