Numerical Optimization_数值最优化;Numerical Optimization_数值最优化;Numerical Optimization_数值最优化
2019-12-21 21:04:23 3.82MB 数值最优化
Test for KPMG and other financial institutions
2019-12-21 21:01:45 1.71MB Numerical Test
Numerical Algorithms: Methods for Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and Graphics presents a new approach to numerical analysis for modern computer scientists. Using examples from a broad base of computational tasks, including data processing, computational photography, and animation, the textbook introduces numerical modeling and algorithmic design from a practical standpoint and provides insight into the theoretical tools needed to support these skills. The book covers a wide range of topics―from numerical linear algebra to optimization and differential equations―focusing on real-world motivation and unifying themes. It incorporates cases from computer science research and practice, accompanied by highlights from in-depth literature on each subtopic. Comprehensive end-of-chapter exercises encourage critical thinking and build students’ intuition while introducing extensions of the basic material. The text is designed for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in computer science and related fields with experience in calculus and linear algebra. For students with a background in discrete mathematics, the book includes some reminders of relevant continuous mathematical background. Table of Contents Section I: Preliminaries Chapter 1: Mathematics Review Chapter 2: Numerics and Error Analysis Section II: Linear Algebra Chapter 3: Linear Systems and the LU Decomposition Chapter 4: Designing and Analyzing Linear Systems Chapter 5: Column Spaces and QR Chapter 6: Eigenvectors Chapter 7: Singular Value Decomposition Section III: Nonlinear Techniques Chapter 8: Nonlinear Systems Chapter 9: Unconstrained Optimization Chapter 10: Constrained Optimization Chapter 11: Iterative Linear Solvers Chapter 12: Specialized Optimization Methods Section IV: Functions, Derivatives, and Integrals Chapter 13: Interpolation Chapter 14: Integration and Differentiation Chapter 15: Ordinary Differential Equations Chapter 16: Partial Differential Equations
2019-12-21 20:59:15 10.08MB Numerical Algorithms
数值分析的经典书籍Numerical Analysis:Mathematics of Scientific Computing -Kincaid_Cheney, 数值分析(美)金凯德等著英文第三版及相应中文译本。及两位作者所著的另一本相关书籍:Kincaid_Cheney_Numerical_Mathematics_and_Computing__Sixth_Edition
2019-12-21 20:58:54 44.48MB 数值分析
Numerical Computing with MaTLAB 【MATLAB数值计算(2013修订版)】 Cleve B.Moler 编著 ,此书中所需要的工具箱 ncm。 是最新版本的书籍配套的工具箱。 Numerical Computing with MaTLAB 【MATLAB数值计算(2013修订版)】 Cleve B.Moler 编著 ,此书中所需要的工具箱 ncm。 是最新版本的书籍配套的工具箱。
2019-12-21 20:40:56 636KB ncm工具箱
Numerical Methods in Matrix Computations
2019-12-21 20:39:43 9.51MB matric numerical methods
Riemann Solvers and Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics A Practical Introduction.
2019-12-21 20:36:47 32.65MB Riemann Solvers Fluid Dynamics
talent q numerical 史上最全
2019-12-21 20:33:58 132KB 网申 talent Q
Wave-optics simulation is an immensely useful tool for many applications. The simulation techniques in this book are directly applicable to atmospheric imaging, astronomy, adaptive optics, free-space optical communications, and LADAR. In addition, many of the basic techniques are applicable to integrated optics and nonlinear, anisotropic, and optically active media. Numerical Simulation of Optical Wave Propagation is solely dedicated to wave-optics simulations. The book discusses digital Fourier transforms (FT), FT-based operations, multiple methods of wave-optics simulations, sampling requirements, and simulations in atmospheric turbulence. This book will benefit optical scientists and engineers at all levels as a guide for FT-based data analysis, imaging system analysis, and wave-optics simulations. Professors can use this book to augment their Fourier optics courses and for independent studies with students. Problem sets are given at the end of each chapter. Students will learn principles and techniques from this book that can be utilized throughout their careers in optics.
2019-12-21 20:25:01 2.09MB Optical Wave Propagation Matlab
Numerical Computation of INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL FLOJiJiS Volume 2: Computational Methods for Inviscid and Viscous Flows CharlesHirsch Departmentof Fluid Mechanics, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium A Wiley-lntersciencePublication JOHN WILEY & SONS Chichester. New York. Brisbane. Toronto. Singapore
2019-12-21 20:23:58 20.27MB CFD