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AIM OF THIS BOOK Today TOGAF®a is widely recognized as a standard for enterprise architecture. The TOGAF framework focuses on the architecture transformation method in all its dimensions (business, organization, and information system). Since enterprise architecture often uses representations and models, both valuable instruments in elaboration and communication, the aim of this book is to provide a hands-on practitioner’s view of TOGAF and, notably, of the models used during transformation work. We chose to build these models using the most widely used standards, such as UML and BPMN. Specific UML extensions (a UML profile dedicated to TOGAF) are provided in this book to further explain all necessary concepts. We have also aligned this modeling technique with ArchiMate,b which is explained in a dedicated appendix to this book. This book does not replace the TOGAF reference specification.c Read as an initiation into or an accompaniment to the standard, it presents both the foundations of the TOGAF framework and tangible enterprise architecture elements. We hope that this book will be a useful tool in your TOGAF-based enterprise transformation projects. TOGAF is not the only enterprise architecture framework. Zachman, DODAF, MODAF, NAF, EAF, and even ITIL for certain aspects, all broach the subject of enterprise architecture in their own way. The number of frameworks available is probably explained by the complexity of the subject, as well as the diversity of situations encountered within different enterprises. As a consequence, TOGAF should not be considered as the “miracle cure,” but rather as a proposal capable of bringing together a number of practices around its architecture development method (ADM). The inevitably generic nature of TOGAF can sometimes be disconcerting. However, TOGAF is generally intended to be customized in order to instantiate the method for a particular use.
2022-02-12 09:28:29 27.25MB TOGAF