matlab程序复现自《基于改进粒子群算法的微电网优化调度_姚景昆》 微电网孤岛运行方式是当主网系统的供电系统不稳定运行或发生事故时,微电网系 统与主网系统断开,断开后微电网和主网之间的没有电能交易问题。这种模式下,微电 网中所有的微电源出力来承担整个系统的负荷需求,最佳调度方案有:(1)在负荷用电低谷阶段,微电网的调度方案与并网运行时相同,优先利用 WT和PV发电向负荷提供电能,如果有多余的电量,则检测储能装置的荷电状态,决定是否给储能装置进行充电;如果 WT和PV所发的电量达不到负荷的要求时,对比 MT和FC的发电费用由MT和 FC中发电费用较低的单元向用户提供电能,仍然不能满足是由BT 放电提供。 (2)在用电平段阶段内,WT和PV发电不能满足负荷的用电需求,通过优化计算 来确定 MT 和 FC 的出力。若所发电量能满足负荷需求仍有剩余电量,则根据储能装置 的充放电状态给 BT 充电;若果微电网中WT和PV发出全部电能依然不能满足负荷用 电需求时,则考虑利用 BT放电来供负荷使用。 (3)在用电高峰期阶段内,微电网系统中负荷的用电需求达到高峰,WT 和PV的 发电量不能达到负荷需求时,通过优化计算来确定发电单元使用,原则是优先利用发电 费用比较低的单元来满足负荷的用电需求;若微电网所发的全部电量达不到负荷的用电 需求,则利用 BT放电来满足供电,如果储能装置储存的电量全部释放还不能满足负荷 需求的情况时,由负荷的重要程度由低到高切除,以达到微电网系统的功率供需平衡。
2021-12-24 21:52:32 1.45MB 微电网调度
Intelligent optimization algorithms have advantages in dealing with complex nonlinear problems accompanied by good flexibility and adaptability. In this paper, the FCBF (Fast Correlation-Based Feature selection) method is used to filter irrelevant and redundant features in order to improve the quality of cancer classification. Then, we perform classification based on SVM (Support Vector Machine) optimized by PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization) combined with.ABC (Artificial Bee Colony) approaches,
2021-12-24 16:45:19 646KB intelligent optimization; cancer classification;
2021-12-23 21:00:12 1.08MB 格密码 密码学 同态加密
An Excellent Humidity Sensor with Rapid Response Based on BaTiO3 Nanofiber via Electrospinning
2021-12-21 17:41:23 1.26MB 研究论文
2021-12-19 01:51:44 880B CSM 波束形成 MATLAB
Planar Odometry from a Radial Laser Scanner. A Range Flow-based Approach
2021-12-18 20:01:42 3.54MB SLAM
An updated survey of GA-based multiobjective optimization techniques.pdf
2021-12-18 09:11:37 245KB GA
安卓毕业设计加源码 Parking Services based on Android 停车场信息服务平台(Android客户端) 提供停车场位置地图显示并导航到终点 预订在规定时间地点的停车位(如可以增加支付功能) 周围景点推荐 个人信息管理(包含登录与注册功能) 扫码进出车库 相应匹配的Android客户端项目地址: 相应匹配的服务器端项目地址: 本人毕业设计项目 题目名称:基于Android的停车场信息服务系统设计与实现 题目类型:计算机软件研制类 题目来源:部级项目 项目达成基本目标 系统设计硬件:笔记本电脑、安卓手机等。 系统设计软件技术:Android技术、Java技术、Eclipse技术、MySQL数据库。 系统所需要完成的功能: 完成搜索附近有空泊车位的停车场信息查询功能 以用户指定停车场为终点的公路地图导航 用户指定停车场的泊车位预定功能 系统设计文档与源程序的编写方法应符合国家、行业标准。 答辩完成,项目就不更新了,不要问我论文在哪
2021-12-17 12:37:40 9.03MB 系统开源
People increasingly use social networks to manage various aspects of their lives such as communication, collaboration, and information sharing. A user’s network of friends may offer a wide range of important benefits such as receiving online help and support and the ability to exploit professional opportunities. One of the most profound properties of social networks is their dynamic nature governed by people constantly joining and leaving the social networks. The circle of friends may frequently change when people establish friendship through social links or when their interest in a social relationship ends and the link is removed. This book introduces novel techniques and algorithms for social network-based recommender systems. Here, concepts such as link prediction using graph patterns, following recommendation based on user authority, strategic partner selection in collaborative systems, and network formation based on “social brokers” are presented. In this book, well-established graph models such as the notion of hubs and authorities provide the basis for authority-based recommendation and are systematically extended towards a unified Hyperlink Induced Topic Search (HITS) and personalized PageRank model. Detailed experiments using various real-world datasets and systematic evaluation of recommendation results proof the applicability of the presented concepts.
2021-12-16 10:53:12 3.25MB 推荐系统 社交网络 信任计算 链路预测
Physically+Based+Rendering +Third+Edition.rar
2021-12-15 23:14:02 35.14MB PBR